Best Practices for Secure and Scalable Applications

Explore the Optimal Methods for Storing Configuration Settings and Keys

Auriga Aristo
Indonesian Developer


Photo by Illumination Marketing on Unsplash

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When we are developing a project, have you ever wondered:

Where is the best place to save a key or configuration? Is it in the database tables, the env or properties file, or maybe the Redis?

In modern software development, managing configuration settings and keys effectively is a critical aspect that can significantly impact an application’s security, maintainability, and scalability. Configuration settings include various parameters that control the behavior of an application, such as database connection strings, API keys, feature flags, and environment-specific settings. Proper handling of these configurations is crucial because it directly affects the application’s performance and security posture.

One of the main reasons to pay close attention to configuration management is the need for security. Sensitive information such as passwords, API keys, and tokens must be protected against unauthorized access and potential leaks. The risks of improperly storing such data are not to be underestimated, as they can lead to severe security breaches, compromising the…



Auriga Aristo
Indonesian Developer

4+ years in Backend Developer | PHP, Java/Kotlin, MySQL, Golang | New story every week