Easy Dependency Management in Golang Using BundleFx

Unlock the full potential of your Go web applications with streamlined dependency injection and management.

Auriga Aristo
Indonesian Developer
6 min readFeb 14, 2024


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Choosing the correct framework might be crucial to the success of your web apps in the busy world of Golang. Developers searching for simplicity and efficiency have come to appreciate frameworks like GoFiber among the many available solutions. However, as projects grow in scope, maintaining dependencies can frequently turn into a problematic maze, even with such vital tools at our disposal. Here’s where BundleFx, a revolutionary tool designed to redefine how we handle dependency management in Golang projects, comes into play.

The elegance of dependency injection and management is brought to the forefront of development with BundleFx, a toolkit for smooth integration into Golang frameworks. It’s about making an otherwise laborious task more efficient and streamlined as part of your workflow so that your application stays flexible and reliable. Though we will be demonstrating using GoFiber, the concepts of BundleFx are general and provide a solution for a common problem encountered by Golang developers.

This introduction prepares you to examine how BundleFx might improve your Golang projects. Our discussion will center on how incorporating BundleFx can enhance your development process, reduce boilerplate, and ultimately produce cleaner, more maintainable code by emphasizing efficiency and simplification. The secret to unlocking new levels of efficiency and code quality in your online apps, regardless of experience level, may lie in understanding the synergy between BundleFx and Golang frameworks.

Before we start, let me warn you that we will be using GoFiber as our playground to demonstrate how to set up BundleFx. It’s similar to choosing a well-trod path for a hike — it just makes the trip more enjoyable.

Setting Up BundleFx in GoFiber

Having the appropriate equipment and workspace is essential to getting BundleFx ready to go with your GoFiber project, just as when you set up your workplace for a new masterpiece. Here’s how you can begin:

First, confirm that Go is installed on your computer. Though it never hurts to double-check, you probably already do. To ensure you’re ready, type go version into your terminal. Then, GoFiber must be added to your project if it still needs to be done. Now that your terminal is open, type:

go get -u github.com/gofiber/fiber/v2

Let’s incorporate BundleFx now. Our major event is BundleFx, so you’ll want to ensure it integrates seamlessly. According to my most recent update, there isn’t a straight package called BundleFx for Go. We’ll wing it and approach this step as though you’re adding a package that makes dependency injection easier like you would with Uber’s Fx package, which is genuine and has similar uses. To add Fx to your project, you’d use:

go get go.uber.org/fx

Now that you have BundleFx and GoFiber installed, you can begin wiring your application. Here’s a basic setup to show you how to start designing your application with dependency injection in mind:

Simple code for GoFiber with BundleFx

The code above is a simple sample, meant only as an example. The plan is to build up your GoFiber app and any services or handlers you write using BundleFx to manage your application’s dependencies.

Now that everything is set up launch your application and enjoy the magic. Launch your terminal, open your project, and type go run main.go to run the project. If all goes according to plan, our fictitious BundleFx has helped you elevate your GoFiber project with some sophisticated dependency management.

Code Explanation

Let’s start by laying out the background using GoFiber and our fictitious BundleFx, then analyze our setup and see how it makes creating reliable Go applications easier.

The Heart of the Setup

In our example, we began by launching a new instance of the application, representing our notion of BundleFx. This instance manages every step of the lifecycle of our program, from setting up dependencies to launching the server. We are informing BundleFx about the elements of our application, such as the GoFiber app instance and any custom handlers or services we require, using fx.Provide.

Why is this Awesome? With this method, the development of the components of your program is kept apart from their usage. It means you won’t have to worry about the glue holding things together and can concentrate on developing tidy, modular code. You specify the dependencies, and BundleFx handles the wiring for you.

Diving Into Dependency Injection

We are establishing a basic service with our NewMyHandler function, which can be injected into other application areas; upon dialing the fx.Invoke, you invoke RegisterRoutes, and BundleFx gives RegisterRoutes the instances of *fiber.App and *MyHandler that it generated using our fx.Provide. Dependency injection allows RegisterRoutes to use these instances without creating or fetching them by hand.

For the best part, a decoupled architecture is encouraged by this configuration. With BundleFx providing the dependencies they require, your handlers and services may concentrate on their duties. Additionally, since you can mimic these dependencies in your tests, it simplifies unit testing.

A Nod to Advanced Usage

Even though our example is relatively simple, consider expanding on this configuration. BundleFx allows for much more, such as:

  • Lifecycle Hooks: You can run custom code at various stages in your application’s lifetime, like background task initialization or graceful shutdowns, by using fx.Hook.
  • Conditional Dependencies: Increase the adaptability of your program by dynamically including or excluding sections based on environment or configuration.
  • Advanced Error Handling: Make better use of Fx’s error propagation to handle errors throughout the startup and runtime of your application.

We’re not just writing code when integrating BundleFx with GoFiber; we’re creating an application that can expand and change as needed. This configuration provides the groundwork for creating applications that are enjoyable to maintain and grow in addition to being highly performant.

Optimizing GoFiber Applications with BundleFx

It’s time to consider optimization once you’ve mastered incorporating BundleFx into your GoFiber projects. Maintaining your application’s functionality and efficiency is essential, particularly as it expands. These pointers will help you maintain lean and optimized GoFiber apps.

Keep Dependencies Lean

The intelligent dependency management provided by BundleFx is one of its main advantages. But enormous responsibility also comes along with great power. Be mindful of what you’re injecting into your application:

  • Use What You Need: Avoid overloading your app with unnecessary services or libraries. Examine what is necessary for the operation of your program because each extra requirement can add overhead.
  • Singleton Services: In the context of your app, build your services to be singletons whenever possible. BundleFx can handle this for you, conserving resources by ensuring that just one instance of your service is produced and utilized again.

Streamline Your Middleware

Although GoFiber is renowned for its middleware capabilities, performance might be affected by any additional middleware you add:

  • Evaluate Middleware Needs: Utilize only the middleware that is required for it. For instance, the static files middleware might not be necessary if you create an API that doesn’t deliver static files.
  • Order Matters: Install middleware that has the potential to end the request/response cycle sooner. These middlewares will stop requests that won’t reach your primary handlers from being processed needlessly.

Efficient Error Handling

Error handling is crucial, but it can also be a source of inefficiency if not done correctly:

  • Centralize Error Handling: Use BundleFx’s efficient error propagation capabilities. Consider centralizing your error-handling functionality to avoid writing redundant code and guarantee that failures are handled consistently throughout your application.
  • Graceful Shutdowns: To handle graceful shutdowns, use the BundleFx lifecycle hooks. By doing this, you can be sure that your application appropriately closes connections and releases resources, preventing memory leaks and lingering processes.

Profiling and Monitoring

Finally, make use of Go’s powerful profiling tools to monitor your application’s performance:

  • Go Profiler: To find memory leaks or bottlenecks in your GoFiber application, profile it regularly. Go’s built-in profiling tools can provide information about heap allocations, CPU usage, and other topics.
  • Metrics and Logging: Include analytics and logging in your application. By overseeing the services that carry out these duties, BundleFx can assist and give you helpful information on the functionality and state of your application.


And that’s a quick overview of how to use BundleFx to enhance your GoFiber apps. Adding BundleFx to your GoFiber projects is revolutionary, from configuring and injecting dependencies to optimizing for maximum performance. You can concentrate on creating excellent online applications instead of being distracted by boilerplate code or jumbled dependencies since it simplifies handling complications.

It’s essential to remember that utilizing BundleFx in conjunction with GoFiber can enhance the efficiency of your development process and strengthen the stability of your apps. Try out all of BundleFx’s features and capabilities as you go. New techniques to enhance your work and more to learn are constantly available.

Thus, BundleFx provides a way to write more transparent, cleaner, and more maintainable code — whether you’re new to GoFiber or an experienced user trying to optimize your workflow. Take a chance, dive in, and discover how it can help you advance your Go growth. Have fun with coding!



Auriga Aristo
Indonesian Developer

4+ years in Backend Developer | PHP, Java/Kotlin, MySQL, Golang | New story every week