Keep Your SQL Safe using Transaction

Unlock the power of safe data handling in MySQL

Auriga Aristo
XTra Mile Development
8 min readJun 8, 2024


SQL Transaction Illustration by AlgoDaily

Meet Alex, a SQL developer at an online retail company. He’s in charge of a database that holds vital product, sales, and customer data. Alex is skilled, but occasionally, he can be hasty when it comes to updating or modifying the database.

On a particular day, Alex was entrusted with a significant task: updating the prices for a whopping 10,000 products in the database. This routine task, though seemingly simple, carried a weighty responsibility. Eager to showcase his abilities, he swiftly crafted a sophisticated SQL query to update the prices based on a specific discount strategy and executed it directly on the live database.

As soon as he executed the query, Alex realized he had made a mistake in the discount logic, applying too much discount to some products and too little to others. Panic set in as he tried to undo his changes, but the database was already updating thousands of entries. Customers started to place orders with incorrect prices, causing confusion and complaints.

Frustrated and stressed, Alex had to correct each entry manually, which was time-consuming and prone to further errors. This incident exposed him to the risks of making direct changes without a safety net.

Determined to find a better way, Alex started researching and came across the concept of SQL transactions. He learned that by wrapping his queries into a transaction, he could have complete control over executing and reverting all changes if something went wrong.

What is SQL Transaction?

So, what exactly are SQL transactions? They’re a sequence of operations performed as a single logical unit of work. Each transaction has a clear start and end. You can execute multiple operations within a transaction, but they’re all treated as one. You can roll back all the changes if something goes wrong, ensuring data integrity and consistency.

Components of a Transaction

  1. Begin Transaction: This code marks the start of a transaction. It tells the database system that the following operations must be executed as part of a single unit.
  2. Commit: If all the operations within the transaction are executed successfully, the transaction is committed. It finalizes the changes, and the modifications made by the transaction are permanently applied to the database.
  3. Rollback: If any operation within the transaction fails, the transaction is rolled back. It means all changes made during the transaction are undone, as if they never happened, thus maintaining the database’s previous state.
  4. Savepoint: This code sets a restore point within a transaction. If needed, you can roll back to a savepoint without abandoning the entire transaction.

How Transactions Ensure Data Integrity

Transactions are crucial for maintaining the accuracy and integrity of data within a database. They do this by adhering to 4 fundamental properties, often referred to as ACID properties:

  • Atomicity: Guarantees that all operations within the work unit are completed successfully; otherwise, the transaction is aborted at the point of failure, and previous operations are rolled back to their former state.
  • Consistency: Ensures the database changes states correctly upon a successfully committed transaction, maintaining database invariants.
  • Isolation: Provides a mechanism that allows transactions to be operated independently from and transparently to each other.
  • Durability: Ensures that the result or effect of a committed transaction persists in case of a system failure.

How to Use Transactional Commands

To begin a transaction in MySQL, use the START TRANSACTION or BEGIN statement. This command tells the server that the following operations should be treated as part of a single transaction.

-- or alternatively

When you’re sure that all operations within your transaction are correct and you want to make the changes permanently, use the COMMIT statement. Committing a transaction ensures that all the modifications made during the transaction are written to the database.


Suppose you encounter an error or cancel the transaction for any other reason. In that case, you can revert all changes made during the transaction using the ROLLBACK statement. This is handy for ensuring that your database remains unchanged due to faulty operations.


Savepoints are a powerful transaction feature that allows you to set rollback points. It is helpful in longer transactions where you can roll back to a specific state within the transaction rather than undoing everything.

To create a savepoint, use the SAVEPOINT command followed by a name you choose:

SAVEPOINT savepoint_name;

You can rollback to a specific savepoint without affecting the entire transaction by using the command:

ROLLBACK TO savepoint_name;

To release a savepoint (which you might do if you’re confident you won’t need to rollback past it), use the command:

RELEASE SAVEPOINT savepoint_name;

By default, MySQL operates in an auto-commit mode, meaning every SQL statement is considered a complete transaction and is committed immediately. To manage transactions manually, you need to turn off the auto-commit mode, which can be done by setting it to zero:

SET autocommit = 0;

Once auto-commit is disabled, your transactions won’t be committed until you explicitly issue the COMMIT command, giving you complete control over when changes are finalized.

Practical Example

Let’s explore some practical examples using SQL transactions, focusing on real-world scenarios that highlight the importance of handling transactions properly.

Simple Bank Transfer

In this example, we simulate transferring money from one bank to another, which involves two major steps.


-- Attempt to debit money from Account A
UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance - 100 WHERE account_id = 1;
-- Account A's balance is reduced by $100

-- Attempt to credit money to Account B
UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance + 100 WHERE account_id = 2;
-- Account B's balance is increased by $100

-- Check for any conditions or errors (not shown here)
-- If all operations are correct, commit the transaction

-- If there is an error, rollback the transaction

The START TRANSACTION command begins the transaction in the code above. The balance of Account A is decreased by $100, and the balance of Account B is increased by $100. If these operations are executed successfully, the COMMIT command is issued to finalize the changes. Suppose any part of the transaction fails or is incorrect. In that case, the ROLLBACK command can be issued to revert all changes, preventing partial updates, which could lead to inconsistencies.

Handling Errors in Transactions

Handling errors that might occur during transaction execution is essential. This example includes error-checking mechanisms to decide whether to commit or rollback the transaction based on an error.


-- Attempt an operation
UPDATE products SET price = price * 1.1 WHERE category_id = 3;
-- Increase price by 10% for products in category 3

-- Simulating error detection logic
SELECT @ErrorFlag = @@ERROR;

-- Check if an error occurred
IF @ErrorHit <> 0
ROLLBACK; -- Revert all changes if error occurred
COMMIT; -- Apply changes if everything is fine

In this second example, we use the variable `@ErrorFlag to monitor for errors during the transaction. The transaction is rolled back if an error is detected (`@ErrorFlag is not zero). If no errors occur, the transaction is committed. This simple mechanism ensures that data integrity is maintained even in the case of errors during the transaction’s execution.

Common Pitfalls and Best Practices

Several common mistakes and issues can arise when working with SQL transactions, potentially leading to data inconsistencies or system errors. Here are a few things to watch out:

  • Deadlocks: This problem occurs when two or more transactions block each other, each having a lock on a resource the other transactions try to lock. If not handled properly, deadlocks can cause the database to come to a standstill.
  • Lost Updates: This happens when two transactions try updating the same data simultaneously. Without proper transaction control, the last update can overwrite changes made by the first, leading to data loss.
  • Long-Running Transactions: Maintaining a transaction open for an extended period can lock resources, causing delays and performance issues for other transactions and users.
  • Improper Error Handling: Not properly managing errors within transactions can lead to partial updates being committed to the database, which may violate data integrity.

To avoid these pitfalls and effectively manage your SQL transactions, consider the following best practices:

  • Keep Transactions Short and Sharp: Minimize the duration and complexity of transactions to reduce the risk of conflicts and resource locking.
  • Use Appropriate Isolation Levels: Adjust the transaction isolation levels according to specific operations’ needs to balance data integrity and performance. A higher isolation level can prevent dirty reads but might increase the likelihood of deadlocks.
  • Implement Robust Error Handling: Always include error checking in your transactions and ensure that transactions are rolled back if failures prevent partial updates from being committed.
  • Avoid Business Logic Inside Transactions: Keep your transactions clean and focused only on data manipulation, not business logic, to keep them efficient and straightforward.
  • Regularly Monitor and Optimize: Keep an eye on the performance of transactions and optimize them as necessary. Use tools and logs to identify slow or problematic transactions.
  • Test Thoroughly: Ensure comprehensive testing of your transaction logic under various scenarios to catch potential issues like deadlocks or lost updates before they affect your production environment.


As we explored throughout the article, mastering SQL transactions is essential for any developer working with databases, particularly in environments where data integrity and consistency are paramount. Transactions are powerful tools that provide a safety net for your database operations, allowing you to manage data changes confidently and securely.

From Alex’s journey, we saw how learning to effectively use transactions transformed his approach to database management, saving him from potential data disasters and boosting his reputation as a reliable developer. This story underscores the practical importance of SQL transactions and their impact on everyday database operations.

As you move forward, remember the key points we covered:

  • Always use transactions for operations that must be treated as a single unit.
  • Utilize COMMIT and ROLLBACK wisely to maintain the integrity of your transactions.
  • Be mindful of common pitfalls and adhere to best practices to avoid them.

By integrating SQL transactions into your toolkit, you safeguard your data and enhance the overall robustness of your applications. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to refine your skills, the ability to manage transactions effectively is a cornerstone of successful database and application development.

As you practice and implement the techniques discussed, remember that every transaction is an opportunity to ensure data accuracy and reliability — a critical component in today’s data-driven world.



Auriga Aristo
XTra Mile Development

Backend Developer in Boost Credit | Content Writer and Full-stack Developer in XTMD |