Introducing Rare OPepes: Exclusive NFT Reward for Terminal LPs

Ben J.
Published in
3 min readSep 20, 2022

Optimism’s much anticipated $OP liquidity mining incentives are now live on Terminal! For more information on the design and scope of the LM program, check out our recent blog post.

In this article, we’ll introduce you to Rare OPepes, a free-to-mint NFT collection earned exclusively by Terminal LPs. Continue reading to find out how Terminal stakers can earn a free mint.

Rare OPepes: The first collection of Optimistic Pepes

We teamed up with cartoonist SphincterBob to create an NFT set featuring Matt Furie’s beloved character, Pepe, and paying homage to the original Rare Pepes collection, which minted on Bitcoin in 2016. The artist was inspired by the timeless and universal expression of Pepe who, bull or bear, has become an integral part of the crypto community. Sphincterbob expanded on the original concept with modern memes, honoraries, and tributes to the Optimism network.

Rare OPepes are a free-to-mint collection of 365 NFTs on the Optimism network — one for each day of the year. The set consists of 36 memes, each composed of ten NFT playing cards, and five honorary 1-of-1s for some of our favorite characters in the Optimism ecosystem.

How to qualify for a free Rare OPepes mint

The majority of Rare OPepes allowlist spots will be distributed to LPs who stake in the xToken Terminal OP <> WETH pool. To qualify, you must stake and maintain at least $200 in OP <> WETH liquidity. Here’s how the allowlist raffles will work:

  • There will be six weekly Rare OPepe drops of 50 NFTs. Each will include a snapshot period to check for qualifying wallets.
  • Within each period, there will be multiple random snapshots of all wallet addresses staked in the OP <> WETH pools. LPs must have at least $200 worth of OP <> WETH LP staked in the Terminal pool during each of the snapshots to qualify for the raffle.
  • Addresses selected in the raffle will then be allowlisted for a free Rare OPepes mint on Optimism.
  • Snapshot dates will be as follows:
Dates subject to change. Follow the official Twitter for updates.

Other ways to qualify for a Rare OPepes allowlist spot:

  • 10 raffled via Twitter giveaway. The Rare OPepes account will be raffling off 10 allowlist spots to its Twitter followers. To enter, follow the instructions posted on this pinned tweet.
  • 55 held by xToken treasury for future promotional purposes and giveaways. This includes the five honoraries that will be gifted to influencers.

Have questions or want to chat about Rare OPepes? Join us in the xToken Discord community.

