Uniswap Foundation LM Program on Optimism: Phase II

xToken Team
Published in
2 min readJan 18, 2023

After a highly successful UF-sponsored LM program a few months ago, we’re back for Phase II. We’re excited to be incentivizing four pools with OP tokens — two that we’re extending from the last phase and two fresh new programs.

Pools are now open for deposits! Rewards will be initialized at 2pm ET on Thursday, January 19.

#1: WETH-DAI 0.3% <<Extended!>>

#2: USDC-DAI 0.01% <<Extended!>>

#3: wSTETH-WETH 0.05% <<New!>>

Note: wSTETH liquidity on Optimism is still minimal. You may want to bridge wSTETH from mainnet. Instructions here.

#4: OP-USDC 0.3% <<New!>>

As always, join us in Discord with any questions or comments.

What is xToken Terminal?

xToken Terminal is a permissionless investment bank. We provide seamless access to the kinds of fundamental on-chain primitives that all projects will need during their lifecycle.

Instead of allocating weeks or months to dev work building and testing custom solutions, projects using Terminal can deploy a Uniswap V3 liquidity mining program or a complex token program, for example, in a matter of minutes. Our highly configurable smart contract architecture and deep investment in UX empowers projects big and small with the key on-chain solutions necessary to bootstrap a protocol.

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