xToken Terminal: February Growth Update

Ben J.
Published in
2 min readFeb 2, 2022

Greetings, xToken community! I’ve recently been brought onto the team to lead the growth of the impending Terminal platform. I have a background in strategy consulting and marketing and I’m thrilled to be here, especially at such an exciting and pivotal time in xToken’s evolution.

Over the past couple weeks I’ve been immersing myself in the product and formulating a growth strategy to help achieve the team’s vision for xToken 2.0. I’m a firm believer in transparent communication so I wanted to open a dialogue with you, the community, and share my priorities and objectives for the coming weeks. These objectives are intended to be a guide post and a starting point only — if we’re not iterating, then we’re not learning.

Terminal growth objectives

1. Clearly message Terminal capabilities and unique value proposition. Terminal is a shift from the staking and liquidity strategies we’re known for, and we want to make sure our community and the broader market both understand the pivot and see the opportunity. Financial primitives are the core of DeFi, but the current user experience leaves a lot to be desired. With Terminal, we want to give DAOs seamless access to fundamental DeFi primitives. Terminal will be a permissionless and intuitive capital markets and liquidity management platform, allowing projects to be their own CFOs and investment bankers.

  • What I’m working on: creating marketing content to tell the Terminal story and grow the brand, from product fact sheets, to a new web landing page, to shareable assets like infographics and one-pagers.
  • What success looks like: increased social engagement, community sentiment, and ecosystem awareness.

2. Forge partnerships and onboard new projects. My top priority will be onboarding new partner projects onto the Terminal platform. And I want to make sure we grow sustainably and thoughtfully, developing partnerships with other infrastructure builders and defi innovators in the L2 ecosystems as well.

  • What I’m working on: prospect outreach, product showcases, competitive intelligence, external communications.
  • What success looks like: higher number of pools, unique addresses, and TVL.

3. Mature marketing and business development operations. As we grow the Terminal platform, we’ll need our operational capabilities to evolve as well — both to help streamline processes and improve efficiency and to enrich our data practices. An emphasis on data and analytics will give the product team the insights they need to make data-driven decisions, ensuring the development of the platform aligns with dynamic partner needs.

  • What I’m working on: implementing a CRM, establishing success metrics & KPIs, analytics and reporting.
  • What success looks like: the ability to answer questions and form hypotheses based on empirical data.

About Terminal

Terminal is a capital markets platform for DAOs, designed to give projects seamless access to fundamental DeFi primitives. Our flexible contract architecture and intuitive interface will enable projects to incentivize liquidity, raise capital, and leverage their treasuries. Terminal will streamline the liquidity provisioning and capital management experience across four initial apps: mining, origination, liquidity auction, and native collateralization. We’ll be deploying Terminal Mining with our first launch partner, CitaDAO, later this month.

Want to partner with Terminal? Great! Send me an email at ben@xtoken.market.

