xToken Terminal is Live!

michael j. cohen
Published in
2 min readMar 16, 2022

After many months of hard work by the xToken team, Terminal is deployed and live on Ethereum, Arbitrum, Optimism and Polygon.

xToken Terminal is the capital markets platform for Web3. We’re focused on giving DeFi and NFT projects seamless, permissionless and trustless access to the suite of on-chain primitives necessary to operate in the space.

The first “app” on Terminal is called Mining. It allows projects to deploy, configure and initialize a Uniswap V3 liquidity mining program in a matter of minutes. No dev work required. Check out the demo video below for a walk through of the pool creation process.

Mining serves both pool sponsors and LPs with an end-to-end experience. Users never need to leave the Terminal UI.

On the sponsor side, pool creators can configure:

  • Uniswap V3 price range
  • rewards token(s)
  • vesting period on rewards (optional)
  • length and value of rewards programs

as well as deploy the underlying Uniswap V3 pools directly from our interface, if necessary.

On the LP side, users simply deposit liquidity (the two tokens in the pair) and are immediately earning pool rewards. They can claim and vest rewards (in the case of a pool with a vesting period) directly from the Terminal interface.

Read more about the Mining app in our docs.

To kick off Terminal, we’ve launched a XTK-WETH pool on mainnet (1% fee tier). We’ll be paying out 2m XTK over 10 weeks. Pool rewards will have a 4 week vesting period, showcasing one of the powerful features native to Mining. Rewards are live here!

xToken 2.0 is Here

Now that we’ve launched Terminal, we’ve begun to realize our vision for xToken 2.0. xToken is no longer an asset management protocol. We are now a protocol dedicated to building scalable DeFi infrastructure. More on the pivot and the reasoning behind it in the thread below.

What’s Next for Terminal?

Mining is just the first permissionless “primitive” we’re bringing to Terminal. Next up is an app we’re calling Origination.

Much like Mining, Origination is a highly customizable contract and front-end architecture designed to give projects seamless access to a fundamental primitive. The app will allow projects to launch token offerings with customizable purchase tokens, whitelists, vesting periods and more.

Much like Mining, a token offering launched via Origination will take mere minutes to deploy and configure. We anticipate the platform being flexible enough to work for use cases as diverse as dynamically priced NFT mints and long-term, vested raises from VCs.

More on the roadmap and vision in the thread below:

Interested in Terminal?

Get in touch! We’re very active in Discord and on Twitter.

