xToken’s Permissionless Financing Platform — Origination — is now LIVE on Terminal!

xToken Team
Published in
2 min readJan 10, 2023

We are extremely pleased to announce the much-anticipated launch of Terminal’s second app, Origination. We’re live with our first partnership — GalleonDAO — a decentralized suite of structured web3 investment products. Galleon is using xToken’s Origination app to launch a bonding program for its governance token, $DBL.

In a bonding program, community contributors deposit LP tokens (DBL-WETH full-range Uniswap V3 1% pool, in this case) in exchange for discounted governance tokens (DBL in this case). Interestingly enough, Galleon used Mining, Terminal’s other app, to create the fungible Uniswap V3 liquidity position that will, in turn, be using in the Origination program.

See Galleon’s blog post on the program for instructions on how to participate.

Origination 101

Following Mining, which allows projects to permissionlessly configure and deploy incentivized liquidity mining programs on Uniswap V3 no dev work required, Origination powers a seamless and permissionless financing option for DeFi and NFT projects across a variety of capital markets use cases.

Starting next week, we’ll be publishing a series of blog posts showcasing different Origination use cases to explore its dynamic and deep functionality. From conventional token offerings to Olympus Pro-style bonding to permissionless OTC offers, Origination gives projects and users the tooling they need to serve their financing needs. For a sneak peek of some of the possible Origination use cases, check out this article.

What is xToken Terminal?

xToken Terminal is a permissionless investment bank. We provide seamless access to the kinds of fundamental on-chain primitives that all projects will need during their lifecycle.

Instead of allocating weeks or months to dev work building and testing custom solutions, projects using Terminal can deploy a Uniswap V3 liquidity mining program or a complex token program, for example, in a matter of minutes. Our highly configurable smart contract architecture and deep investment in UX empowers projects big and small with the key on-chain solutions necessary to bootstrap a protocol.

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