5 Reasons why we Verify our Creators!

Xuppi Blog
Published in
3 min readApr 8, 2021

It takes less than 5 minutes to create an account, impersonate someone, and make wrongful use of it. So to dodge that mishap followed by many other malicious moves we believe in verifying our creators right after they sign up on Xuppi. You might think this process takes forever to complete, but let me stop you right there. Our team of super-fast humans verify you as a creator in less than 4 hours. We would’ve said in a blink of an eye but we have 1000s of applications falling in daily, so we request you to be patient with us.

By verifying our creators we dodge various hurdles and make sure that we build a safe and reliable community for our users as well as creators. The reasons why we verify our creators are listed below:

A Community of vetted and verified Creators

We are a growing community of verified creators and brands and we hope to maintain that decorum by doing exactly what we have been doing — Verify our creators.

No Fake Profiles

As we already mentioned how easy it is to impersonate anyone on the internet today. So by verifying our creators we make sure that they’re who they say they are. We do that by asking them for a selfie with their personal documents such as their national ID, their driving license and so on.

To Ensure Fans get what they Pay for

At Xuppi, we don’t want our customers to feel cheated in any case. We believe in full transparency at every step. And we want to make sure they get what they pay for. So, to ease our work, we simply verify our creators so that our customers know that they’re interacting with genuine, real, and verified creators.

To Build Trust among Creators

When a creator knows that they’re surrounded by other verified creators, it creates a sense of likeness and builds trust because now they know that the creator they’re planning to collab with is as real as they are. This makes them think less and create more. So, what are you waiting for?

Direct Payouts

The last and the most important part, we eliminate the middleman and settle creator payouts directly into their bank account. To do so, we require the creators to verify themselves and submit their bank account number and other necessary information.



Xuppi Blog

A social commerce platform enabling brands, sellers & influencers to connect, collaborate & create.