How to become an Internet Celebrity in 2021?
Xuppi Blog
Published in
4 min readApr 26, 2021

In 2021, everyone wants to become an internet celebrity overnight, like Charlie D’amelio or Dixie D’amelio, but that’s not the case, is it? You could be sailing around the world, posting the best pictures from your camera roll, using the best hashtags, and still not be able to get a good reach. Why’s that? Maybe you haven’t found your niche yet. Maybe you’re not targeting the right audience. Perhaps you don’t have a content strategy yet.

Some of the top content creators have been minting money through Instagram posts or tweets. And we can understand that you want to do it too. So without any further ado, let’s look at the 7 things you need to ace to become an internet celebrity in 2021.

Build a Fanbase

What’s a celeb without a fanbase? You’ve got to grow your numbers of followers on your social media to build a fanbase. That doesn’t mean you use some arbitrary app and tweak your followers. By followers, I mean genuine followers that watch you.

Below are some of the points that will help you grow your followers.

Communicate with your Followers

We have been blabbering about this for quite some time. Interact with your followers. Whether you’re a travel blogger or a cinematographer, your audience has a lot of questions to ask you.

Communicate with your audience. Let them know that you read their comments and constantly engage with them in various conversations.

Create Engaging Content

While everyone wants to become a content creator, influencer, or internet celebrity in 2021, the competition is much higher than you’d presume. Then how would you seclude yourself from the crowd? Easy, quality content. Content could be anything, from photos, videos to podcasts or blogs.

Just a quick FYI, a recent change in the Instagram algorithm suggests that only posts with more engagement will have a better reach or vice versa. Posting 7 times a week, 365 days a year, wouldn’t make any difference.

Keeping this in mind, post 1 good blog, video per week rather than 5 quacky ones. Focus on one aspect at a time.

Make your Content Discoverable

Another hack used by Digital Marketing specialists or SEO experts is known to lesser people. The term “Alt text” or relevant “Hashtags” is one of the essential things you should fill in when posting some content. In the case of blogs, you can target relevant keywords and help your blog reach more people and rank better on search engines.

Let me help you with an example. Imagine you’re a travel blogger, so now you can research and target keywords that help you define your blog better. Such as the name of the place, some hidden gems of that place, and more.

In the case of pictures, you can add alternate texts. These alternate texts help search engines understand better what your image is about, and hence it helps to reach out to the people searching for that keyword.

Seed your Content

Not many people know about this. Only if you’re a digital marketing expert, you’d know this. But if you’re already doing this, then mark my words; it’ll help you in the long run.

Content seeding is one method that SEO specialists use to sow their content at different places/platforms to reach a wider audience. Start by posting on various social media platforms, then you can move onto the next step and ask your co-creators, friends to post your content on their story. This will create more visibility on the internet.

Collab with Top Influencers and Brands

Help one another, and that’s how you grow. Competition can help you grow, but collaboration can help you grow further. Stronger together. Look for the bigger picture.

You can use various platforms that help you collaborate with top brands, such as Xuppi itself. Collaborate and sell their merch directly on the platform and get paid directly using in-chat payment options.

Don’t Follow Trends; Create One

2021 could be your year. A new trend pops up every other week. While others are busy following trends, work on creating a new one. There’s no such formula for developing trends; simply make.

Notice what’s going viral, their rhythm. Many of you might miss noticing that all the trends have a pattern, which they follow. If you can crack that rhythm, then the world is yours.


Xuppi Blog

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