On The Road to MainNet (02)

xx network
xx network Blog
Published in
2 min readJul 21, 2020

Last week the team began sharing xx BetaNet source code with Nodes and the community and by July (BetaNet launch), all 60K lines of source code will be available.

Date: May 29, 2020 | Author: xx network Team

Included are two main repositories containing network definitions, message formats, and data structures, as well as core Elixxir cryptographic libraries. This blog provides an understandable overview of the code base structure.

Also, in preparation for launch, the first 150 Nodes responsible for the initial BetaNet implementation are being confirmed publicly on the node forum. The Nodes are divided into four color groups, Teal, Blue, White and the latest group, Violet. Over 100 potential Violet group operators have expressed interest in just the last week.

Releasing code allows Node runners and the community to review, verify and ultimately confirm their trust in the xx BetaNet and all feedback, good and bad, has been encouraged. Industry best practices for testing, integration, good style and adequate documentation have been diligently followed by the xx network development teams. Across the project, test code coverage (a key indicator of reliability) is at minimum 75% but often closer to 90%.

The BetaNet source code is being released under a beta license. Open access to source code is as fundamental to “blockchain” as the blockchain itself and must be a cornerstone of the xx MainNet for true decentralization.

Community contribution is everything to us. Critiquing, analyzing and overall feedback will help us get to MainNet. Read more about the source code reveal here.

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xx network Blog

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