On The Road to MainNet (05)

xx network
xx network Blog
Published in
2 min readAug 4, 2020

xx BetaNet Reaches Million Round Milestone. xx BetaNet running at volume!

Date: July 27, 2020 | Author: xx network Team

The BetaNet has been stable for over a week recently surpassing the “million rounds” milestone. Blocks are being processed in a few seconds with further improvement expected as we begin to optimize throughput. 150+ nodes are registered to receive xx coin compensation. Half are processing blocks right now and we expect to have 100 nodes operational very soon. New nodes will continue to join as well.

To grow the network we are focused on bringing on new nodes around the world. If you are interested in running a node, or would like to refer node runners, information on joining the network is here. We remain committed to easy-to-use consumer hardware and true decentralization with “Binning” separating nodes into 8 separate geographic regions.

Next steps are integrating the cMix privacy layer with xx consensus running on the xx comms layer of the BetaNet. xx consensus has been running separately on cloud servers deploying up to a thousand nodes with real communication latency. Speed and scale are impressive.

More to come.

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xx network Blog

Full-stack blockchain platform, providing quantum-resistant security and metadata protection across messaging, payments, & dApps. Learn more: xx.network