An Open Letter to XYO Geomining Kit Owners: Get Ready. Period.

Scott Scheper
XYO Network
Published in
5 min readFeb 1, 2019

Dear Friends, XYO HODL’ers and XY Shareholders,

It’s been too long.

Some of you haven’t heard from me in AT LEAST a few months! Really. Probably since SPATIAL! Yikes.


I’m going to tell you one thing.

Actually, a few.

First off, it feels GREAT to be writing to you again. I truly love and miss you all. I can’t wait for this year’s SPATIAL to reconnect in person!

Second, for the past two months, Arie and I have done some of THE most important deep planning in our company’s history.

Abraham Lincoln was asked, “What would you do if you had six hours to chop down a tree?” He replied, “Spend four of them sharpening my axe*.”

For the past two months, this is what Arie and I have been up to.

We’ve been quiet.

We’ve been silent.

We’ve been in DEEP PLANNING mode.

Last month, Arie and I moved into a loft area in our office. At first, it was pretty grimy. There was a 6-foot-wide stain on the carpet that hopefully was coffee, but more likely was a crime scene from a goat slaughter.

Anyway, we (meaning some of our loving team members) helped us transform this space into what we now call…

“The Bridge” (Star Trek reference).

In The Bridge, Arie and I have spent our time in DEEP PLANNING MODE.

When you walk into the bridge, you feel like you’re in an alternate dimension. It feels like a mix of The Matrix, Astronomy, Cryptography, Psychology, Datalogy, and Economics… But on acid.

Deep thinking puts you in another dimension.

It requires one to focus.

And this, my dear friend, is why I’ve been so quiet.

But the silence…

And the wait…



Worth it!

For the past week, I’ve bunkered down into my laboratory at home. I thought a lot. I read a lot. And I’ve been working on a video that will, without a doubt, change the way you view life itself. I’m not kidding.

Expect it in the next two weeks.

Also, the XY Team is having an event tomorrow night where we’ll be revealing the 2019 Roadmap to our team.

We didn’t have a traditional holiday party last year.

We were ‘celebrationed out’ from SPATIAL. Also, better to have a celebration around our 2019 plan, instead of our 2018 success!

But here’s what I’M MOST EXCITED to tell you about today…

You see, the way we’ll be rolling out MAJOR announcements is going to change in 2019.

In 2018, we adopted the philosophy of “STAY FOCUSED & KEEP SHIPPING”.

I can’t take credit for this philosophy.

It’s what Mark Zuckerberg kept on his desk in Facebook’s early days.

Here’s a picture of it…

This drove our philosophy in 2018.

It’s also the reason we launched the XYO Geomining Kits and XYO Android App while they’re still in Beta!

We knew it’s better to ship product, get feedback and make it better through continuous updates.

This was the right call for us because our community is full of EARLY BUILDERS AND ENTREPRENEURS.

And in a moment, I’m going to reveal something to those who purchased an XYO Geomining Kit.

You’re going to be very happy that you own one right now :)

But first… Here’s how 2019 is going to be different:

Instead of spilling the details of everything we’re doing, we’re going to keep the many things a COMPLETE MYSTERY.

We’ll be releasing a Roadmap that will give you the dates and times of the MAJOR product announcements.

But we’re keeping the details quiet until we actually release it.

And, to kick things off, here’s the first big thing of 2019!

On Wednesday, February 6th at 12 PM PST we will be RELEASING a Top Secret Project to our XYO Geomining Kit owners.

For those unfamiliar with cryptocurrency/blockchain lingo…

“dApp” (Defined):
A “dApp” is a decentralized blockchain application. This means it is an app that runs on the blockchain and isn’t controlled by a centralized entity. It is one of the most promising and powerful concepts that could transform the future.

“Geodapp” (Defined):
A “Geodapp” is a decentralized blockchain application powered by Geospatial technology (aka XYO).


Here’s what will be unveiled on Wednesday, February 6th at 12 PM PST…

I’m going to show you something that will evolve into the world’s first Killer dApp (not merely a Killer Geodapp!).

Move over Cryptokitties, we’re comin’ for ya!

You will be able to download it on iOS and Android immediately.

And here’s the best part…

You’ll be able to Mine XYO immediately!

Mark your calendars for this Wednesday, February 6th at 12 PM PST.

At that time, I will be doing a Livestream video. I will be showcasing the product. I’ll show you how to download it right then and there. And, I’ll be walking you through how to mine your first XYO.


This will ONLY work for those that have an XYO Geomining Kit. The Geodapp we’ll be revealing requires either an XYO-enabled Sentinel or Bridge to be within range.

If you don’t have an XYO Geomining Kit yet, here’s the link where you can pick one up!

Click here to browse XYO Geomining Kits

Right before I go live, I’ll be emailing ONLY THOSE EMAIL ADDRESSES who have purchased an XYO Geomining Kit.

I’ll be sending you a link to our live stream and we’ll then kick things off from there!

Look out for emails about this.

Get ready for an epic 2019.

Screw it, let’s do it.

- Scott Scheper

Scott Scheper

*I prefer the British spelling of “axe” (opposed to “ax”) as an ode to Pink Floyd’s “Careful With That Axe, Euguene” (Live at Pompeii version, of course).

