Announcing our dAppQuest Spatial Giveaway Winner!

Johnny Kolasinski
XYO Network
Published in
2 min readOct 26, 2018

First off, I want to say thank you to everyone who submitted XYO Network Use Cases to our dAppQuest Spatial Giveaway contest. There were more than 100 ideas submitted, and many of them were absolutely phenomenal! Suggestions ranged from military applications to hospital implementations to tracking car usage to bring down your insurance bill. That said, there can only be one winner.

Last week, I sat down with our full dev team and we evaluated all of our favorite submissions based on technical feasibility, potential for adoption, and ingenuity. We wanted our winning suggestion to be one that takes advantage of the XYO Network’s strengths, can be implemented in the real world, and has an application that would encourage the growth and expansion of the network.

Our winning suggestion came from Austin Bowman, who proposed using the XYO Network to verify that paid canvassers for political campaigns were reporting their work honestly and accurately. He says his connections in the field would jump at the chance to reduce fraud and improve the effectiveness of their efforts. This dApp could also be used to track door-to-door salesman or other independently traveling employees.

Congratulations, Austin! We’re looking forward to meeting you at Spatial in just two weeks!

You can read all of the suggestions, and join the conversation, on

