Big changes at XY, XYO, and COIN

Arie Trouw
XYO Network
Published in
3 min readJul 29, 2019

As the CEO of XY — The Persistent Company (the company that created XYO and COIN), I am very excited to share some news about internal changes at our company that we have finalized this week.

As we near the delivery of version 3.0 of the XYO Platform, and with the rapid growth of COIN, we are transitioning XY from being a pure technology company to being a product company. This is not to say that development on the XYO Platform is slowing down. As we and our development partners create products on the XYO Platform, we will be able to make sure that the development continues in the best direction, at an increased speed, and with the highest quality.

To accommodate all of this, we created three divisions in XY. Each will be run semi-autonomously while still reporting to XY — The Persistent Company. We strongly believe that using small teams and maximizing efficiency will increase innovation and velocity substantially with this model. This structure also allows the teams to increase focus, simplify product offerings, and perhaps most importantly, maintain the close link between the core technology and the products that actively utilize it.

For additional focus, we are also spinning-off our Crypto101 team into an external entity to provide an independent journalistic path for that effort.

XY Company Structure

XY — The Persistent Company
Owns all the divisions and remains the entity that shareholders own. Manages the overall strategy and integration between the divisions.

Arie continues as CEO and Founder.

XY Labs
Develops new COIN app features and brings to market the platform which will allow third parties to geodrop their own digital assets and advertisements in COIN.

Scott has moved over to the COIN team to lead its next phase of development, along with several other team members that fill the needs of its roadmap. Combining Scott’s strong vision for COIN with the current development team forms a full and very well rounded product team.

Scott and the additional team members have joined the existing COIN team in our Carlsbad, California office.

Develops the XYO protocol, SDKs, and technology, and brings to market showcase Geodapps.

I have taken over all responsibility for the XYO Platform. My team is working on the continued development, documentation, and evangelism of the XYO Platform (software and hardware) and internal Geodapp development. This facilitates the push towards consumer and developer adoption of XYO while increasing the growth of the technology by embracing the open-source model for the core technology.

The XYO Division remains at our Headquarters in San Diego, California, with some members working from our Sacramento, California office.

XY Operations
Provides overarching services for all components of XY — The Persistent Company and manage legacy products and investor relations.

Markus continues in his role as the head of Operations, Finance, and Business Development for the company. His team handles all accounting, facilities, HR, legal, and business development for the company and also serves as the nexus for internal company data and communications.

The Operations Division remains at our Headquarters in San Diego, California.

Produce the Crypto101 Podcast

Kevin Stanley, Aaron “Pizza Mind” Malone, and Bryce Paul are taking over the Crypto101 podcast under a fully autonomous external entity. We will continue to work closely with them and believe there is a bright future for their project.

What does this mean for you?

With the increased focus for our teams, we will be able to bring you more focused support and communication by having the respective teams tightly integrate these into their efforts. There will now be separate self-help sites, support teams, and social channels for XYO, COIN and XY (See List Below).

Since XYO and COIN are divisions of XY — The Persistent Company, the ownership structure for all shareholders remains the same.

Thank you for your continued support and for being part of this journey,

Arie Trouw
XY — The Persistent CompanyTwitter Arie Trouw (@arietrouw)



Arie Trouw
XYO Network

Entrepreneur, husband, father, Dataist, engineer, human.