This Week at XYO #3 (July 12th)

Jenn Perez
XYO Network
Published in
5 min readJul 13, 2018


Greetings XYO Network fans and die-hard founding members!

Admit it: Some of you spent the last few weeks tearing yourselves apart, totally vexed by my absence.

Others just had a warm and fuzzy feeling inside, because you were 100% convinced that I finally took time off to complete my Jedi training.

Here’s the truth, minus the lightsabers.

I’ve been busy. Insanely busy. Ridiculously unbelievably otherworldly busy.

Since my last post, I’ve been building a marketing team so epic, so hard-working and so talented, that they’d moonlight as superheroes if they weren’t so obsessed with tokenology.

So I’ve been swimming in resumes. Conducting hours of interviews. Making tough choices, and on a happier note, welcoming fresh faces to the team. After introducing you to our recent round of hires, which included top-notch design, marketing and recruiting talent, we’ve added a rockstar content manager who, from this moment forward, will be writing each and every update. As I pass the torch to Jenn, I want to thank you for reading my updates and sending awesome feedback.

Until we meet again, here’s Jenn…

XYO survey for the win — (ners)!

A little while back, we sent out a survey to the XYO community asking the questions that kept us up at night:

What are your thoughts on accountability? From a technology standpoint, what do you think XYO is trying to achieve? What are your thoughts on decentralization? If a Lambo stalled in the woods, would anyone rescue the driver?

Many of you turned in wickedly insightful answers for the chance to win an XYO T-shirt, and we’ve chosen three winners. Here are some of our favorite responses (edited for brevity):

According to Aurel:

“Decentralization is very important. I think it is going back to the basic tenets of the internet, and why the internet existed in the first place. The free flow of data, not controlled by a middle man who can then profit, take the data and sell it to someone else.”

Meanwhile, Fletcher tackled another topic: Accountability.

“Accountability is one of my hot buttons — I’m the only one responsible for my actions. In this sense, managing business using blockchain technology fits right in.”

So, Fletcher and Aurel, huge congratulations! Please email us at with your name, T-shirt size, and shipping address.

Kevin, our Senior Marketing Manager extraordinaire, will be reaching out to some more community members to set up calls. If an email from him shows up in your inbox, let him know when it’s a good time for a phone call.

An announcement about…upcoming announcements

Remember that time you knew that really juicy secret, and it took everything you had to stop yourself from shouting it to the world?

Welcome to XYO. This is what it’s like here: Every. Single. Day.

We have so many amazing partnerships and plans and projects we’re announcing in upcoming weeks that it’s killing us that we can’t share them all right now. So for this update, we’ll play a little game.

1. Which of the following types of XYO-centric people will be honored in the near future?




All of the above

2. What’s one perk members of the elite XYO Founding Holder Registry (FHR) could expect in the future? Unscramble the following phrase:

Geo dApp Airdorps

The announcements will be coming fast and furious in upcoming weeks, so watch our social channels, our Medium blog, and your email for big news.

Save the (BIG) date: July 19th, 2018

You know that huge, super top-secret announcement we’ve been teasing for the last month? We’ve nailed down a date to tell you what it is: Thursday, July 19th.

Until then, be cool, stay calm, and as always…HODL.

New Team Members

Jennifer Perez

A former Los Angeles Times reporter and international correspondent, Jennifer has spent the last decade creating and managing content for some of the most cutting-edge tech to hit the market. From robotic arms that can move with micro-level precision to an AI designed to make shopping as personal as possible, she’s been the content voice of big companies and scrappy startups alike.

At XYO, she’ll create blog posts, newsletters, press releases, copy for landing pages, and pretty much anything else needed at a moment’s notice. A self-described “word nerd” who loves video games, chihuahuas and music from the 80s, you’ll be hearing a lot from her.

Justin Fortier

Justin is a former tech entrepreneur and founder of multiple successful San Diego tech companies. But that’s not the whole story. Justin’s superpower, if he had one, would be walking into small, often disorganized companies, recalibrating how they do things, and turning them into profitable and effective organizations.

Despite his ironclad background in operations and systems management, coding is his true passion. So at XYO, he’ll manage the software engineering team and product lifecycles,and use his full-stack credentials to develop the company’s code base.

Jordan Trouw

Several weeks ago, we introduced the lovely Jordan Trouw as our Marketing Associate. Now she sports the phenomenally cool title of International Marketing Manager. In this role, Jordan will handle all the translation and much of the engagement with our international audience, making sure that people all across the planet know about our company, our token, and how we’re building blockchain technology that will change everything.

Thanks for reading This Week at XYO! Until next time, stay safe, have fun, and HODL!!!

Jenn Perez

Senior Content Manager

XYO Network



Jenn Perez
XYO Network

Lead Content Manager, XYO Network. Former LA Times Reporter. I write about blockchain, cryptocurrency, transportation, smart cities, and the future.