How to Flash an SD Card — What You Need to Know

Larry Smalheiser
XYO Network
1 min readMay 16, 2019


SD Cards…Anyone with an earlier version of a Bridge will need to update it. Why? Because we want to work with a company that will continue to provide support for you, our Community, into the future as needed.

For those of you with new Bridges, you may have gotten yours with the new SD card ready to go. This video is to help those who want to make the SD card update / flash on their own.

Please watch the short video below featuring our lead technical writer Phillip Lorenzo and Customer Obsession team member Tyler Hill, that will walk Community members through the flashing process.

Enjoy the video on “How to Flash an SD Card” and look for more videos on other topics to follow.

Please note, this video was made using MacOS. If you are operating on Windows, steps may differ slightly.



Larry Smalheiser
XYO Network

Communications and PR executive. Tech PR for 18+ years; BA in Linguistics; MA in International Affairs. Thalassophile, Linguaphile,日本語でもいいよ。