ICYMI: What’s New at XYO

Maryann Cummings
XYO Network
Published in
3 min readJul 22, 2020

In Case You Missed It

We want to make sure all our fans are up to date on what’s going on at XYO. Earlier this month, we sent out a digest newsletter (which you can sign up for here) but if you missed out, here are all the details.

Arie’s Q2 update

At the end of June, CEO of XY — The Persistent Company and co-founder of XYO Foundation, Arie Trouw, released his hotly anticipated Q2 update just in time to beat Q3. Learn about all the big news!

  • COIN Boss, Daily Geomining Leaderboard, and Home Base
  • New GeoApp: Purchases
  • XYO World release date
  • COVID-19 and special thanks

If you want to make sure never to miss important updates, it’s a good idea to follow the COIN Medium channel and follow Arie as a Medium author.

Cool Things You Probably Didn’t Know

UCSD Changemaker Challenge

We’ve had loads of requests to work on a solution for COVID-19 contact tracing, and we agree, that’s an ideal use case for XYO. We’ve teamed up with UC San Diego to make it happen. Learn more.


At XY — The Persistent Company, the ideals behind Dataism drive our own innovation and product creation. Check out the fresh, new XY website and read about our core belief in Dataism while you’re there.

COIN Boss now open to all!

The team over at COIN feel it is ready for the next step, and will be opening to anyone who has requested an invite. If you have not already, please request an invite!

XYO World

The new Q2 report has the XYO World release date! Ready to get hyped? Check out the Q&A series here or the homepage preview here.

Hoarding Info Podcast

XYO committee organizer and XY developer, technical writer, and devops specialist Phil Lorenzo sat down recently (and safely distantly) with Chris Riley of the Hoarding Info podcast. It’s not to be missed!

Esri Australia Podcast

And speaking of podcasts not to be missed, XYO was given an amazing shoutout in Esri Australia’s inaugural podcast. A big thank you to this amazing project — we wish them the very best!

Update From the Dev Team

The Dev team here at the XYO Foundation has been working hard on improving our software, network, and resources. We’re adding features that will be implemented in apps including COIN Boss, XYO World, and the UCSD Changemaker Challenge.

The UCSD Changemaker Challenge software is being developed by volunteer, student developers working on it as a project for UCSD. Our developers couldn’t be more proud to be providing educational resources and assistance to burgeoning young talents in our own community. This is a big part of our future as a foundation.

In that spirit, our team is in the process of updating XYO repositories to be secure and ready for third parties who may not be directly involved in XYO, but wish to integrate it or contribute to it. Want to be one of them? Check out the Open Source Initiative.

Perhaps most exciting, in regards to the core XYO Foundation, the XYO Network app is well under development for a completely new version created using Flutter, Google’s cross-platform UI SDK, that allows apps to be built with maximal efficiency and cross-platform synchronicity. Keep an eye on our social media for updates.

Or check out our GitHub!

Dive Deeper into XYO News

Not sure what XYO World is? Wondering about changes and progress that you’re just now hearing about?

If it’s been a while since the last time you checked out XYO, you might have some questions. Check out the Q1 update from earlier this year for more information about some of the new concepts introduced by XYO in the past few months.

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Maryann Cummings
XYO Network

Mobile software product manager for XY, so goth I can barely function, Disnerd.