Spatial Report: 5 Massive Reasons We’re Making Spatial Happen

Jenn Perez
XYO Network
Published in
5 min readSep 26, 2018
Meet us in San Diego on November 9–11

“We need an XYO event. Something huge.”

Right after everyone’s favorite backward hat-wearing Co-Founder Scott Scheper uttered those words, the wheels started turning. Calls were made. Emails sent. The dev team squeezed into a conference room and mapped out a plan for top-secret demonstrations and convention sessions designed to blow the roof off our venue.

Suddenly we had a date, a roadmap, and a name. Spatial.

Here at XYO HQ, we’ve always known that we wanted Spatial to happen. But this is the post that tells you why we’re working overtime to put on an extraordinary convention that will be talked about for years to come.

From panel to party, demo to discussion, here are our top five reasons why we’re making Spatial happen:

* To unveil the fantastic future of blockchain

You already know that XYO is big on blockchain partnerships. We LOVE them, which is why we knock out a steady stream of announcements (with more in the pipeline). But all of these alliances start with the same thing — a discussion — over how our blockchain location technology, and the tech of our potential partners, can work together.

Many times these discussions pivot and branch off in unexpected directions, opening up a bold, new world of possibilities. Then the questions go from “Is this possible?” and “Can we do this?” to “How do we make this happen?”

Cars that tell other cars when a parking space is available. Beacons that protect food as it weaves its way from farm to fork. Apps that raise money for charity through exercise, dApps that engage ethereum smart contracts right from a browser, and the power to use blockchain location data to protect real estate in a virtual world built on top of our own.

And that’s just scratching the surface.

We see Spatial as a place to talk about extraordinary use-cases, and leave you excited about what the future holds. If you want to see what’s really going to happen in the blockchain world, you need to be here.

*To honor our loyal friends in the XYO community

In our minds, there is no better crypto community than ours. From Founding Holders (HODLers) to Two Comma Club members to people who wear our swag and send in selfies, XYO community members are simply the best, full-stop!

And Spatial is our chance to honor them all, from equity holders to token holders to the people who simply lurk in our Telegram channel or community forum, and think about owning their own piece of this collective dream.

This is why so many of our Spatial panels, speeches, and demonstrations were created specifically for XYO community members. We’re hosting multiple Geo Mining clinics (keep reading for more on those), a session just to get XYO on Binance, and even a presentation by one of our most active Telegram members and HODLers, Pizza Mind, who is going to teach Spatial guests how to build a monster mining rig.

Subject to change

We’re not even going into the top-secret demos we have planned. You’re going to have to trust us on this when we say we have some really, really cool things in the works!

So, if you’re on our Telegram, this is your chance to put faces to the memes, to throw back a cold one with the people who keep this community jumping, 24/7. If you’re not on Telegram, come to Spatial to soak in Geo Mining techniques, watch the super-secret demos, learn how to build a dApp, introduce yourself, and officially join the XYO collective. We’ll save you a spot.

*To unleash our geo miners on the world

When we leaked a photo of our mining kit recently, people went berserk. They were so excited about the image of that colorful little box and all those XY4s. But what they really wanted was to get moving. They wanted to mine crypto, and they wanted to do it now!

Subject to change

At Spatial, we’re treating Geo Mining like it’s a world-class sport. We’ve charted a bunch of sessions to teach you how to earn your own XYO.

Turning your Geo Mining kit into an XYO mining machine. Building your own Archivist rig. Using your Android phone or device to Geo Mine. We want you to walk out of Spatial fully prepped and ready to start mining. It’s all part of our big plan, and we can’t wait to show you how to do it!

*To get XYO listed on the Big One: Binance

One of the questions we’re asked most often by XYO HODLers is this one: “When will XYO be on an exchange?”

And in that vein, one of the questions we ask ourselves internally is: “How can we make a massive, successful, epic push to get on one of the biggest exchanges on the planet, Binance?”

So we’re killing two birds with one stone at Spatial. We’re going big, and we’re NOT going home.

We’re going for Binance!

We have a grand plan to make this happen, and we want you to be part of it. Once again, we’re staying mum about the details, but if you attend Spatial, you’ll definitely get a once-in-a-lifetime chance to say you were part of getting us listed.

XYO on Binance. Can you see it?

*To make history

We’re living in an exciting time, a time of firsts.

For the first time, NASA is exploring a blockchain-based spacecraft system. Dubai’s first flying drone taxis could take flight next year. The first commercial finance dApp has hit the marketplace, to be used for cryptocurrency lending.

In fact, this time is so exciting that Steve Wozniak likened blockchain to the birth of the Internet.

At Spatial, we’re capturing the spirit of this comment through our top-secret demonstrations and plans.

So, if you like space and drones, you live and breathe cryptocurrency and refuse to believe that we’re even close to maximizing the potential of blockchain or crypto, come to Spatial.

Be first with us.

Jenn Perez

Senior Content Manager

XYO Network



Jenn Perez
XYO Network

Lead Content Manager, XYO Network. Former LA Times Reporter. I write about blockchain, cryptocurrency, transportation, smart cities, and the future.