Spatial Report: Last Minute Updates!

Jenn Perez
XYO Network
Published in
3 min readOct 31, 2018

If you’re reading these words, you’re in one of the following situations:

  1. You bought your ticket to Spatial. You’re set! At this point, your most agonizing decision is whether to pack pants, shorts, or both (Bring both — and don’t forget your XYO gear!).
  2. You missed the boat! You don’t have a ticket. But you’ll be at the next event! You’ve signed up for the waiting list. Now you just need to … wait.
  3. You have zero plans to go to this Spatial thing. Ever. You generally avoid things that are cool, fun, or futuristic, and you taunt kitties in your spare time.

Make no mistake — if you’re pumped for Spatial and you’re firmly in bucket #1, this last minute update is for you!


  • You must pick a time for our Sunday VIP event!

If you have your VIP ticket for Sunday’s Bloody Mary brunch at XYO Hacker Headquarters, you’ll get an email within the next few days asking you to choose to attend our 9:30–11 am session, or our 1–2:30 pm session. Why? Because the VIP event was so popular, we had to break up the brunch into two parts.

So, watch your inbox for an email from us!

  • Crypto101 host Matthew Aaron will be at Spatial!

At XYO, we’re huge fans of the Crypto101 podcast! Matthew Aaron’s shows remove the mystery and confusion around cryptocurrency, smart contracts, and so much more. He’s not only going to be our guest at Spatial, he’ll play a big part in our first panel on day 2, Our Mission to Bring Cryptocurrency & Blockchain to the Masses. Don’t miss it!

  • We have the juicy details on our first GeoDapp— SAVE RASHEED!

Remember when we said we’d be launching our first dApp at Spatial? Here are the details, straight from project manager Jordan Trouw!

So, what IS Save Rasheed?

Save Rasheed is the world’s first GeoDapp, and a proof-of-concept GeoDapp that we’ll be releasing at Spatial! Built by our XYO Sacramento team, LayerOne, Save Rasheed is our first opportunity to show you how the XYO Network and our recent dApp developer tools will impact GeoDapps and the mainstream!

Many Spatial guests will be playing as *Heroes*. A Hero is a player who can complete Quests and receive “HeroTokens”, which are non-fungible tokens you can store in a cryptowallet!

Once we open-source more of the code for the game, you’ll also be able to play as an *Architect*. An Architect is able to create Quests for Heroes to play, and earns cryptocurrency when a Hero completes the Quest! We cannot wait to see everyone at Spatial enjoying Save Rasheed, and we’re even more excited for all the cool ideas our community will bring to the game!

  • Your Spatial ticket gets you into our blowout party at PARQ!

Just a reminder: If you have a ticket for Spatial, you automatically have a ticket for our party (with Dennis Rodman) at PARQ. Just wanted to clarify.

We have just one more Spatial Report leading up to the show, which is just around the corner. Can you believe it?

We can’t wait to see you at Spatial!

Jenn Perez

Lead Content Manager

XYO Network



Jenn Perez
XYO Network

Lead Content Manager, XYO Network. Former LA Times Reporter. I write about blockchain, cryptocurrency, transportation, smart cities, and the future.