The Spatial Summit 2018 Wrap-Up and Recap

Johnny Kolasinski
XYO Network
Published in
4 min readNov 14, 2018

Wow! What a weekend! More than 700 of you joined us in San Diego for the first ever Spatial Summit, and by all accounts it was an outstanding success. If you couldn’t make it, here’s what you missed — we’ll go into more detail on everything over the coming weeks.

The XYO Network is now live!

The audience at Spatial got to see the very first XYO-enabled smart contract transaction, executed live via drone. If you missed it, you can see it on Youtube!

To the Moon with Operation Big Boy

Bryce Paul and Alex DeConde from our partnerships team discussed our plans to launch XYO Network-enabled satellites — testing of the technology could begin as early as December!

Our Intelligent Exchange Strategy

Scott and the partnership team shared our plan for exchange listings — we have signed agreements with ten top exchanges and will begin listing on them later this year. The Gamma token sale will end on or before December 1st, 2018.

New Partnership Announcements

We announced partnerships with Esri, a leading geographic information systems (GIS) provider, and the FedEx Research Institute, an incubator and research hub linked with both FedEx and the University of Memphis. We also announced a partnership with A-B Engineering, a hardware company founded by XYO community members to build custom archivists and diviners.

“Save Rasheed” Shows what Geo-dApps Can Do

Spatial attendees were the first to play Save Rasheed, a game and geo-dApp from our team in Sacramento. Players earn non-fungible tokens (NFTs) by completing missions at different locations. Unlike utility tokens like XYO, every NFT is unique — think of them as the equivalent of a signed game ball from the Super Bowl.

Presentations and Panels from the Leading Minds in Technology

We heard from some of the biggest names in tech, finance, and crypto, including:

  • Vinny “Bitcoin Oracle” Lingham — (Co-Founder, CEO of Civic)
  • Paul Hynek (Futurist, Entrepreneur)
  • Larry Sanger (Wikipedia, Co-Founder)
  • Chris Burruss (President, Blockchain in Transportation Alliance)
  • Chris Ballinger (MOBI)
  • JR Hildebrand (Indy Car racer and Stanford University adjunct professor)
  • Marcus East (CTO, National Geographic)
  • Matthew Aaron (Host, Crypto 101)
  • Joseph Anthony (Founder and CEO, Run2Play)
  • Aditya Asgaonkar (Ethereum Casper CBC Developer)
  • Ravinder Deol (Founder, B21 Block)
  • Shawn Key (Founder and CEO, CybrToken)
  • David Kim (Blockchain Financial Specialist, CEO, Blue Block)
  • Travis Kling (Founder and Chief Investment Officer, Ikigai)
  • Ismail Malik (Founder and CEO, Blockchain Labs)
  • Dan Mapes (Founder,
  • Larry Pang (Head of Business Development, IoTex)
  • Paul Puey (Co-Founder and CEO, Edge Wallet)
  • Itay Radotzki (Co-Founder, Portis)
  • Nate Rush (Ethereum Casper CBC Developer)
  • Tom Teman (Co-Founder, Portis)
  • Tony Tran (Co-Founder and CTO, BeeToken)
  • And, of course, our Master of Ceremonies, Ed Helms

On a personal note, I want to say once again how amazing it was for the team to get this chance to meet so many of you. If you were there, you know how much this meant to me. If you weren’t there, don’t worry, we’ll be doing this again.

Thanks to Jessica Bernstein for taking so many amazing photos over the weekend!

We’ll have detailed write-ups of all the presentations and panels over the next few weeks!

Johnny Kolasinski
Head of Community
XYO Network

