Updates from the Dev Cave: Double Round Trip Around the Network Edition!

Jenn Perez
XYO Network
Published in
3 min readSep 27, 2018

Until you’ve seen an XYO Dev in action, you’ve never truly seen focus. Earbuds in. Eyes glued to the screen. A quiet rarely experienced outside a Buddhist temple. On the moon.

Our Devs are on a mission, and they’re churning out an insane amount of code and SDKs and developer tools. But rather than just give you the second-hand recap of what the team is working on, here’s a report straight from our Consumer Product Manager and Code Herder-in-Chief Deluxe, Justin:

  • Core library features

We’ve been heads down, cranking out more and more features on our core libraries. We’re also building out production-ready versions of each of the components on our network.

  • SDKs for Sentinels and Bridges

We’ve released SDKs for turning your devices into Sentinels and Bridges and are working on an easy to install mobile app that will turn your Android Phone into a Sentinel and Bridge. We’ve also just released our C-Core SDK!

  • Archivist code and Bound Witness interaction

In addition, we welcomed into our offices Pizza Mind (a legendary XYO HODLer and one of the leading personalities on our Telegram) who shared his state-of-the-art, Archivist-ready hardware. We were able to place our Archivist code onto his machine and do a Bound Witness interaction with other servers over TCP!

  • Dapploy, dApper and dApps

Up at XYO Winterfell (Sacramento), the team has been putting together some amazing dApp developer tools. We have beta versions of Dapploy and dApper available on GitHub, and today dApper can be used to interact with your smart contracts, via your browser.

  • XYO Network: Sentinels, Consensus, and writing to the blockchain!

We are super excited about the upcoming two weeks because we believe we are far enough along to roundtrip the entire network!

Meaning, we’ll be able take a Sentinel to Sentinel interaction, have it bridged up to our Archivist network, and then make it available to be queried by our Diviners. Even more exciting — once the Diviners have come to consensus on the query, we are then able to write the outcome of that query to the blockchain via our Simple Consensus Smart contract. More on that to come!

That’s the recap of the Dev Team’s last few weeks from Justin, a report that can easily be condensed into three words: Getting. Stuff. Done.

We’ll see you in a couple of weeks, Dev fans, but in the meantime, stop by the XYO GitHub and see what’s cooking!

Jenn Perez

Senior Content Manager

XYO Network



Jenn Perez
XYO Network

Lead Content Manager, XYO Network. Former LA Times Reporter. I write about blockchain, cryptocurrency, transportation, smart cities, and the future.