We Won! XYO Wins the MOBI People’s Choice Prize!

Jenn Perez
XYO Network
Published in
2 min readFeb 20, 2019

Hey, XYO HODLers and fans!

A few weeks ago, we asked a huge favor of you: Vote for the XYO video in the MOBI (Mobility Open Blockchain Initiative) Grand Challenge.

We were up against some pretty stiff competition — from videos featuring smart traffic boxes to autonomous charging stations — but we stood strong. We knew we had what it took to win, and nothing was going to stop us!

Well, XYO family, you came through! WE WON!

We are now the humbled winner of the MOBI People’s Choice Award, which was presented in Munich, Germany. Thanks to your participation, thanks to all your votes, we beat out some of the biggest competitors in the blockchain mobility and transportation industry.

But before we continue with the jubilation, let’s backtrack and go into why we participated.

You may recall that when you visited the voting page, there were almost 25 videos from a variety of companies and groups, including XYO. Each video showcased a new type of transportation technology for the future.

And since the Grand Challenge was a joint venture between MOBI and the Trusted Internet of Things Alliance (TIoTA), many projects focused on connectivity between automobiles, Internet-connected devices, and automobiles AS Internet-connected devices.

MOBI’s goal is to create universal blockchain standards for vehicles of the future, and this challenge has been especially important since most of the top companies from — Apple to Ford to BMW — are working on driverless vehicles. So, by the time headless vehicles hit the mainstream, this technology needs to be locked down and ready to go.

XYO’s technology video featured the perfect use case for the future, one that goes even beyond driverless vehicles. The XYO video tackles transportation, smart contracts, and a way for cars to verify where a delivery is, en route.

The official wording related to the prize is as follows:

[The award is] For contributions to the creation of a viable, decentralized, mobile ad-hoc network of blockchain/DLT connected IoT devices that can reliably share data, coordinate behavior, and ultimately improve human mobility and quality of life

But our official wording is this:

We won because the community that we love so much believed in us. And we’re humbled and grateful for taking home this prize.

So, XYO fans and HODLers, thank you SO much.

This one’s definitely for you.



Jenn Perez
XYO Network

Lead Content Manager, XYO Network. Former LA Times Reporter. I write about blockchain, cryptocurrency, transportation, smart cities, and the future.