With more than 3 million nodes, XYO is now one of the largest blockchain networks globally

XYO Network
Published in
3 min readOct 14, 2021

Our dedicated followers, along with incredibly engaged COIN fans, have come together and helped us to make what was once a vision into a reality.

Some of you have probably spotted it. Announcements recently have mentioned how much XYO’s user base has grown. What we want to take a moment to recognize, now, is what that means for the XYO Network.

We can now confirm, officially, that XYO nodes have been downloaded more than three million times.

We believe this makes XYO one of the largest blockchain node networks on Earth.

What does this mean for XYO?

This is the kind of exponential expansion we’ve been striving for since December of 2017, when XYO was first envisioned by its founders. In the nearly four years since, our team has met thousands of you, our supporters and users, in between long, difficult grinds to each new finish line we created to take XYO another step in the right direction.

The result is a network that is now more than large enough, strong enough, and active enough to provide incredibly valuable data to large, corporate third parties. We are making progress to ensure that the oracle data the users of the network provide is being used to its fullest potential.

The best part is that the people providing this data have opted in. Unlike most mobile app data collection, the network’s users choose to participate in this network model. XYO shares the rewards of building such an IoT network with the people who are powering it.

This makes XYO’s growth sustainable.

As large as XYO already is, it only has room to grow. We are confident in this because we have watched it happen, up close and in real time. People want what COIN is providing, and corporate partners want what XYO is providing.

Sharing the rewards with the people who make up the network builds a relationship with our user base that few other networks could hope to maintain. The participants in the network are highly active, highly engaged, and the people who provide the most accurate and verified data also reap the biggest benefit.

XYO provides more than raw geolocation data. This network provides verifiably accurate, trustless geolocation data.

We achieve this through the use of our unique bound witness protocol. XYO self-verifies its data by corroborating sources. Parties using the network are referencing multiple sources for any given data-point. Devices act as witnesses for one another, each device verifying the data provided by the others.

We think it is a remarkable accomplishment to ensure users of the network provide trustless verification for the data they submit. Millions of XYO nodes already do this, and more join them every day.

From the bottoms of our hearts, we want to thank each and every person who uses or supports XYO.

Whether you participated in our 2018 token sales, or simply have a basic COIN account, you’ve helped manifest something great.

Written by Maryann Cummings in collaboration with Markus Levin.



XYO Network

XYO's sovereignty protocol, modular platform, and Proof-Of-Origin Blockchain propel businesses into a new era of unparalleled decentralized efficiency.