XYO and DAV Network: One Transportation Network, Every Vehicle Imaginable

Jenn Perez
XYO Network
Published in
3 min readMar 11, 2019

Ten years ago to the month, a radical company completely transformed the transportation industry. That company was Uber.

The simple idea behind Uber was a peer-to-peer sharing economy involving cars. But even Uber executives never could have imagined the massive transportation industry of today, and all the vehicles that fall under this gargantuan peer-to-peer umbrella.

Cars. Scooters. Bikes. Boats. And coming soon to a street or balcony near you, big rigs and drones.

If you want to rent one of these vehicles, you’ll need to use their specific apps. And the system is less than efficient, because even with Uber, you’re not getting the driver who is closest you, you’re getting the driver who just happens to be next in the queue — and is in the general area.

But..what if everything was on the same network, using the same token as currency?

The people behind DAV Network want to level up the entire peer-to-peer transport industry. What’s their plan? One huge peer-to-peer network, run by blockchain, fueled by the DAV token.

With DAV, if you need a car to pick you up, you can communicate directly with the driver. The driver also gets to keep what they make, instead of having to kick back a bunch of money to anyone else.

It means that when you need an electric scooter but the battery is low, your DAV tokens can be used to charge it.

It means that manned deliveries are decentralized, and you can send or receive your package with a simple tap of a button.

But one of the coolest things ever is what DAV can do for drone delivery, which, my friends, is coming soon to a city near you.

Let’s suppose you own a big delivery drone. You don’t use it all the time, and at the moment, it’s sitting on its charging pad. But you’d like to make some scratch loaning it to someone else during the time you don’t need it.

Now, suppose a bunch of people in a high rise a few blocks over are desperately craving Chinese food. They’re hanging out on their swank balcony on the 22nd floor, but they’ve found out that their go-to Chinese restaurant isn’t delivering at the moment. They’re trying to figure out a way to get the food without leaving the balcony.

So they search the DAV network and see that your drone is a) available, b) charged, c) sturdy enough to carry all that General Tso’s chicken, shrimp fried rice and Mongolian beef. They offer a price via the DAV network, you agree to the amount, and they use DAV tokens to hire your drone to fly to the restaurant, pick up the food, and bring it back to the balcony party.

The DAV tokens go directly into the drone’s crypto wallet on completion of the task — which is considered finished based on the rules of a smart contract created specifically for this tasty mission.

What are we really talking about here? Transport assets talking to each other. Smart contracts setting the rules for transactions and deliveries.

The DAV network makes transportation and delivery directly accessible to all. And we’re here to help them do it.

Uber drivers have already figured out how to spoof GPS and say they’re parked somewhere when they’re really running around picking up people until their number is up in the queue.

XYO is the proof of location necessary to show that people are picked up and dropped off, that vehicles on the network are charged, available, and ready to serve, and yes, even those filthy rich partiers get their drone-delivered Kung Pao pork.

We’re proud to work with DAV on this imaginative new network and we welcome them to the XYO family!



Jenn Perez
XYO Network

Lead Content Manager, XYO Network. Former LA Times Reporter. I write about blockchain, cryptocurrency, transportation, smart cities, and the future.