XYO and Portis: The dApp Breakthrough the World’s Been Waiting For

Jenn Perez
XYO Network
Published in
2 min readSep 11, 2018

Ever since the mind-blowing concept of the decentralized application (dApp) was introduced, several huge things have blocked dApps — especially those on the Ethereum Blockchain — from setting the world on fire.

For end-users, it was the frustrating inability to jump right in and use dApps without having to download something or add an annoying plugin. That extra step, though necessary, was a momentum-stopper. Game over. Literally.

For developers, location was a particularly tricky ingredient for Smart Contracts. With Smart Contracts, if a transaction can only take place if an item or person makes it to a certain location, not being able to prove that the item or person made it to the rally point became an insurmountable problem. That whole, potentially massive, geo-focused or dependent world of games, dApps, transactions and Smart Contracts was suddenly off limits.

The team from Portis saw all of this, and they’ve spent months developing technology that connects dApps right to the Ethereum blockchain. Now, with the Portis Javascript SDK, users will be able to use dApps right from their browsers. No plugins, no downloads, no friction.

Problem one: solved. Problem two? We’ve found a solution. It’s going to change everything. Here’s how we’re going to do it.

We’re adding Portis technology to our location network. By doing this, several things will happen:

  1. We will be able to tie locations and location data directly to the Ethereum blockchain.
  2. Users will be able to enjoy location-focused dApps from their browser.
  3. Ethereum Smart Contracts will receive trustless, real-world location data.
  4. The dApp world is going to get MASSIVE. The scope of dApps being developed will widen, considerably.

We’re proud to announce our partnership with Portis, and what our alliance means to struggling developers and frustrated dApp users all over the world. Here’s a message from Tom Teman, CEO and Co-Founder of Portis, on our alliance:

By partnering up, we’re blasting away the barriers to mainstream dApp use, and opening up a giant, new world of dApps and dApp development. And ultimately, we’re helping Portis achieve their mission: Connecting the real world with the virtual one.



Jenn Perez
XYO Network

Lead Content Manager, XYO Network. Former LA Times Reporter. I write about blockchain, cryptocurrency, transportation, smart cities, and the future.