XYO and RE/MAX Mexico: A Blockchain Partnership to Reshape the Real Estate Industry

Jenn Perez
XYO Network
Published in
2 min readOct 12, 2018

There is no bigger real estate franchise in the world than RE/MAX, and unless you haven’t left your house, you’ve probably walked through — or walked by — a RE/MAX property somewhere throughout your day. They are everywhere.

In fact, RE/MAX has not only been the top real estate franchise since 1999, the company operates in 100 countries and employs more than 100,000 agents.

In Mexico, RE/MAX is massive, with almost 2,000 agents fostering the buying,selling and renting of almost any type of property you can think of, from offices in glass and steel commercial high-rises to cozy beachfront bungalows.

But even with such a large footprint in Central America and beyond, RE/MAX is always working on improving the real estate process. This means streamlining transactions by making things as simple, straightforward and air-tight as possible.

So, what could make things extraordinarily simple for RE/MAX clients throughout Mexico? A decentralized title registry.

RE/MAX Mexico wants to build a blockchain-based title registry. And they want us to help them do it.

This partnership is more than just an exchange of technology and ideas— it has the potential to recraft real estate transactions all over the planet. XYO will bring the blockchain geolocation data, and RE/MAX will use it to significantly simplify real estate sales.

Right now, the real estate transaction process is extremely complex, with buyers, sellers, notaries and others working to close deals under tight deadlines. The people involved often live in different places and work different hours, but they’re still expected to make everything happen with minimal disruption. That’s like standing in the middle of a living room in Los Angeles, and trying to slow dance with someone — in Nebraska.

With the decentralized title registry, expect to see a significant change in the complex relationship between buyers, sellers, notaries, brokers, and others involved in the real estate process, with Smart Contracts playing a key role.

RE/MAX Mexico wants to make title deed issuance and property management both secure and affordable. And XYO will be there, every step of the way.



Jenn Perez
XYO Network

Lead Content Manager, XYO Network. Former LA Times Reporter. I write about blockchain, cryptocurrency, transportation, smart cities, and the future.