XYO Community: 4 Ways You Can Help us Build Partnerships!

Jenn Perez
XYO Network
Published in
2 min readNov 27, 2018

We didn’t think we could love you more, XYO community. But we were totally wrong!

You sent dozens of heartfelt emails. You tweeted at our company accounts. You pulled us aside at Spatial — and even on the street — and asked us one simple question.

How can I help?

XYO community, we’ve heard you. Loud and clear. And we want you to help us build partnerships and make XYO known all over the world!

Are you ready? Here are four ways to do this:

  1. Make a connection

Work at a company or know of a company (any size) that could make a great XYO partner? Make the connection! Contact partnerships@xy.company with info — including the name and email address of a good contact (if possible). If we already have a partner in the same type of business, don’t fret! Send along the info and we’ll think over how we can make it work.

2. Tell us your use cases

We believe you can never have enough use cases. So if you have an idea for a new XYO use case — or you think you can make an existing XYO use case better — send your idea to partnerships@xy.company. We’ll look at your email and see if we can use your suggestion!

3. Share our social posts

Business partnerships can start from a single tweet or retweet, so we need your help on social! Tweet, retweet or share our social posts on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, or other platforms. If the right person sees your post, BOOM! It could start a partnership.

4. Rock your XYO gear out in the world and post it on social

Have an XYO T-shirt, hat, socks or other gear? Are you traveling somewhere local or exotic? You are Operation Everywhere! Take a picture and post it on social with the hashtag #XYOrevolution. At Disneyland? Post an image. Hiking through France? Post an image. Standing in front of the Great Wall of China? POST IT.

On that note, need more merch? Still looking for that sweet XYO Cyber Monday deal? Head over to http://ow.ly/qJtv50jNzQG to increase your #XYOrevolution game! 15% off when you use ‘xybermonday’ at checkout.

We want everyone to know that XYO is EVERYWHERE. With your help, we can show potential partners — and people all over — that our community is dedicated and engaged!

Think about it. With minimal effort, you can help change the destiny of XYO! We want you to be involved and we love you for it! Make connections, tell us your ideas and share on social — we can’t wait to see what you come up with!



Jenn Perez
XYO Network

Lead Content Manager, XYO Network. Former LA Times Reporter. I write about blockchain, cryptocurrency, transportation, smart cities, and the future.