XYO Explore: Daily Node Leaderboard

Jenn Perez
XYO Network
Published in
2 min readJul 22, 2019

Everyone loves a good leaderboard — especially when you have a chance to make the list! For Explore, our platform for viewing activity on our network, we’ve just launched a daily leaderboard that tells you exactly which nodes are making the most bound witnesses.

And you don’t even need to be logged in to see it.

Here’s what it looks like:

…and here’s how you get there.

  1. Go to your dashboard.
  2. Click on the Plugins button
  3. You’ll see three sections. Go to the one on the right called Daily Reports, and tap the View button.

4. On this page, you’ll see a list of possible reports — by date — to choose from. Choose a date and tap the View Full Report button.

5. Here’s what your report will look like:

In the top area, where you can see the graph, you’ll have the option of viewing data by group. Right now you can choose top 1%, top 5%, top 10%, top 50%, and all.

But you’ll also see a listing of nodes in the order of how many bound witnesses they’ve made. Top nodes have made almost 20,000 bound witnesses — expect that number to rise as time goes on.

Click on one of the nodes listed and you’ll be able to view where the node is on the planet. You’ll also see the number of daily active nodes, the average of bound witnesses per node, and more.

If you’re fiercely competitive and you want to make the top of the list, here’s where you’ll track your progress as you go up the ranks. If you’re just starting out or want to see who’s leading the pack — you’ll love this feature too!

More features are on the way, so watch this space!



Jenn Perez
XYO Network

Lead Content Manager, XYO Network. Former LA Times Reporter. I write about blockchain, cryptocurrency, transportation, smart cities, and the future.