XYO Game-Changer: We’ve executed a Smart Contract With a Drone!

Jenn Perez
XYO Network
Published in
2 min readNov 21, 2018

For months and months, we’ve talked about how important — how…monumental — location-based smart contracts are to our network. In fact, it is no exaggeration to say that they drive almost everything we do as a company.

And our community waited so patiently for us to execute our first one! The belief was there. The tech was there. But we wanted to be 100% certain that the first time we showed a smart contract being executed, everything was picture perfect.

Now it’s happened! We’ve executed our first smart contract — with a drone!

If you were in the 700+ strong audience at Spatial earlier this month, or watching our live feed of the opening keynote on our social channels, you saw it happen in real-time.

You saw XYO Founder and Network Architect Arie Trouw explain what was being attempted — the first official transaction, using Ethereum, on the XYO mainnet (Winternet).

You heard Arie talk about the goal — payment on delivery.

You listened to Arie set expectations by warning the transaction may not work.

And then you saw a drone, carrying an XYO device, drift slowly through the air, and gently land on the ground.

Here’s the longer version of what happened, via our Publicist Extraordinaire, Larry Smalheiser:

“Following months of integration testing, the team has successfully completed the first live working demo of its decentralized interaction-verification oracle utilizing smart contracts to initiate a transfer of Ethereum when two XYO devices interacted in the real world.”

And here’s the short version:

Smart Contract? Executed.

Payment. Was. Made.

Speaking of long and short versions, if you never saw this groundbreaking event, here is your chance to see the mini version:

And here’s the extended version, with even more details:

We can’t express how proud we are of the XYO Dev team for making this happen. But we’re also thrilled beyond belief of what this could mean for our community, who always believed we’d get here.

And ultimately, we can’t wait to see what this means for Geo Mapping and Geo dApps and Geo Mining, but also for Smart Cities, for supply chains, for health care, and so many other markets and use-cases.

We couldn’t do this without your support. Please join us in celebrating this achievement.



Jenn Perez
XYO Network

Lead Content Manager, XYO Network. Former LA Times Reporter. I write about blockchain, cryptocurrency, transportation, smart cities, and the future.