XYO Network has hit four million users, with one million new users added since October

XYO Network
Published in
2 min readJan 25, 2022

It seemed like just yesterday we announced the XYO Network hit three million Nodes across its network. It might be hard to believe, but months later, we’ve added an additional one million users! That’s not a typo. We now have over four million confirmed Nodes and counting, making us one of the largest operating blockchain node networks in the world.

We Couldn’t Build the Decentralized Future Without You

We want to take a moment to say thanks to all of our supporters, users, well-wishers, and fans for helping XY Labs take what was once just an idea and not only making the network a reality but also for making XYO a smashing success. So, a huge thank you from all of us at XY Labs! We hope you’re enjoying what we’ve built as much as we’ve enjoyed building it.

Every User & Node on XYO Matters

Our data becomes more accurate with every user who signs up for the COIN and integrates XYO into their daily lives. The more users we have, the more data we collect; and the more data on the network becomes witnessed, the more that data becomes inflexible and unhackable; and, the more our data can be trusted, the more valuable it is for third parties and the world. The best part is that everyone using the XYO network volunteers their information — it isn’t stolen or obtained suspiciously, unlike other tech giants like Google or Facebook. Our network is trustless, or more simply put, you don’t have to trust us because trust isn’t even a factor. You can’t argue with fact, and that’s the goal — well, you can argue with fact, but you’d be wrong, and that’s on you.

XYO Shows No Signs of Slowing Down

We’re so excited for what the future holds for XYO, and from what we see, there are no signs of our growth slowing down soon. Again, we couldn’t have done this without you, so please tell your friends and family about how they can earn passive income on the COIN app while building the world’s largest decentralized geospatial network. Keep Geomining and thanks for all the support.

— The XY Labs Team

Article by Taylor Williams, Head of Content, XY Labs



XYO Network

XYO's sovereignty protocol, modular platform, and Proof-Of-Origin Blockchain propel businesses into a new era of unparalleled decentralized efficiency.