XYO’s Spring Achievements

XYO Network
Published in
3 min readJun 4, 2022

Let’s talk about what XYO got done in March, April, and May! It’s a lot, so buckle in and hold on.


XYO was born in March — March 20, 2018 to be specific. So we celebrated our fourth anniversary with a big giveaway!

In a very strong start to the month, XYO topped the charts as the most active crypto project on GitHub, publicly demonstrating ongoing and robust software development.

A springtime anniversary is the perfect time for a fresh start, so following the launch of XYO 2.0 in late February, our website also got a redesign.

The XYO Token got a new listing on JUBI.

And our old friends, KuCoin, the first major exchange to ever list XYO, also added XYO to margin trading.

Not to be outdone, Bitrue added PowerPiggy staking for the XYO Token.

CEO of XY Labs, Arie Trouw, sat down with Andy Pickering, host of Brave New Coin’s Crypto Conversation podcast, to talk about XYO’s core concepts and our natural fit with play-to-earn.

To close out our birthday month, XYO collaborated with Wendy O, one of the biggest names in all of crypto, to bring her viewers an in-depth profile of XYO!


We were incredibly excited to bring you a huge new release in April. Explore, the geographically mapped XYO block explorer, relaunched with a slick, beautiful, and fast new user interface. Explore 2.0 is better than ever!

In April, we continued to sponsor some of crypto’s top influencers. We were delighted by this piece we collaborated with Conor Kenny to create.

Continuing XYO’s torrent of founder interviews, Arie had an enlightening interview with Nick Saponaro of Divi Project.

And Markus Levin, Co-Founder of XYO and Head of Operations for XY Labs, spoke to Monte Stewart of Capital.com about Brazil’s official recognition of cryptocurrencies and the future of crypto adoption. Arie also spoke to Monte about the post-COVID economic rebound.

Markus also sat down with GEOSPATIAL WORLD for an exclusive interview about the core of XYO’s tech — the link between blockchain and geospatial data.

And Markus spoke with Ashton Addison of Crypto Coin Show about a variety of topics including COIN App’s revolutionary integration with Coinbase.

Not to mention Markus’s chat with Omar Faridi for Crowdfund Insider about XYO’s relationship with the Metaverse.

Speaking of which, in one of the coolest things to drop so far this year, CoinMarketCap listed XYO among its top Metaverse projects. Hopefully this clears up confusion about whether or not XYO is a Metaverse project. We are, and in fact, we are pioneers in the space.

If you haven’t seen the new April token listings for XYO, they’re pretty exciting. Both BingX and SFox — one of the most important industrial exchanges — listed XYO for the first time.

And two of crypto’s most innovative platforms also listed XYO. Industry giant Uphold and up-and-comer Ubiquity Pay both brought new ways to trade XYO.


In May, XY Labs released the single most exciting piece of financial news in our company’s entire history. In this record-shattering report, we announced all time high revenue, which we successfully doubled over the previous year.

We thank all of the supporters who helped make this possible and intend to continue to deliver for you in the coming years.

With good news like this to keep the momentum going, May continued the avalanche of new XYO Founder content for fans to enjoy.

Arie did a fun Q&A with Fotis Georgiadis, which you can read here. Need more from our favorite CEO? Here’s a really cool, speculative interview from Hackernoon.

Meanwhile, Markus had an amazing, in-depth interview with Mike Townsend of Around the Coin.

Markus also joined Paul Barron for one of the most incredibly well-researched interviews ever done with an XYO representative. This incisive piece is not to be missed.

And Markus discussed our record-shattering 2021 financial report in this Capital.com article by Monte Stewart.

May saw two new XYO token listings which we’re proud to bring to our hodlers. This includes the hotly anticipated Bittrex listing!

All this makes it unsurprising that some of the most influential crypto analysts released bullish outlooks for the XYO Token.

That’s quite a spring for XYO. Now the sun in shining, let’s see what summertime holds for us. We think things look bright!



XYO Network

XYO's sovereignty protocol, modular platform, and Proof-Of-Origin Blockchain propel businesses into a new era of unparalleled decentralized efficiency.