Xythereon Media announcing High Class School

Colin Cabana
Xythereon Media
2 min readJul 20, 2021


Xythereon fans- We’ve got some great news for you! Today, we’re announcing the production of “High Class School”, a new sitcom series on the way to you soon!

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High Class School

High Class School is a high school drama and comedy sitcom revolving around Jessie Grey (Genelle Nikole), a 16-year-old teenager who moves from upper LA to lower Chicago and has to learn how to fit in. Jessie comes from a rich neighborhood and — as the title implies — her family is in the high class. Both of her parents, Janis and Chris Grey, have high-paying jobs in a large tech company. When Chris decides to move to Chicago, Jessie’s world gets turned upside down and nothing is the same. Jessie then meets Evelyn Davis (Olivia Barwinska), Cooper Anderson (Sam Grey), and Wyatt Carter (Jackson Ark) and she finally finds her people — or so she thought.

This show is now beginning production and will be published soon!

Stay in the loop!

Check out @HighClassShow on Twitter and IMDb and follow @XythereonMedia for new projects — and yes, there are more projects on the way soon!

