Xythereon Update

Regarding streams resuming, family fund, YouTube and more

Colin Cabana
2 min readMay 14, 2020


I hope everyone is doing well! COVID-19 has been pushing us to our limits and has brought out the best and worst in some people. I hope everyone is safe and happy and enjoying the time they have at home.


I’d like to quickly apologize for being M.I.A. on my Twitch channel but I can assure you that I am back and here to stay!

I’ve been working on revamping my panels and I’m excited to come back! My first official stream back will be THIS SATURDAY at 11am Central Time


I wanna start working harder with the extra time that I have. As of today, I am working on bringing life back to my YouTube channel and pushing out more content for you to enjoy on my channel. Stay tuned for that! I want to start pumping out some Rainbow Six Siege content and get back into Fortnite since that gets views.

I would also like to announce that I am no longer editing for new customers — only existing ones at this time. I would also like to remind clients that if I haven’t received payment from you within 14 days of you publishing a video I edited, you are in violation of our agreement and I will take down your content forcefully.

Xythereon Family Fund

You may have seen that I now have 2 donation panels. One of my panels will send donated funds directly to me for me to use as I please. The other panel will go to my family. My family is currently struggling as a result of the pandemic.

All funds donated through there will go to food, utilities, mortgage, and hospital bills.

Thank you for reading and I’ll see you guys this Saturday!

