Webdagene becomes Y!

Marte Gråberg
Y Oslo
Published in
2 min readApr 10, 2019

but Why?

The short version

Reading time: 45 seconds

At Y you will learn how to build products and services. For people. Or innovation, lean startup, growth hacking and design thinking that the buzzword mafia calls it. After Y, you will develop new methods to uncover what people really want, tools you can use while building new services, get inspired from the inspired and lots of snacks in design, technology and marketing / growth.

We move out of Oslo Spektrum and into Youngstorget itself.
Join us 25th-27th of September!

The long version

Reading time: 4 minutes
From Webdagene to Y. From Websites to Service Innovation.


In 2006, Webdagene gathered 50 people to listen to Ove Dalen and Are Halland for two (!!) days. In 2018, we gathered 1000 people for parties and talks in Oslo Spektrum. Webdagene has always received good feedback from you, but when all the lectures get both 1 and 6 on the dice, it goes to show that you are quite different. The concept of a common theme for everyone and lectures about everything possible within the digital world does not work as well as it once did.

And, it’s completely understandable! We don’t work in the same way as we did 15 years ago.

Bigger logo!

A few years ago, discussions about poor navigation the websites began, when people wondered why the logo wasn’t larger on the home page.

This has changed. Suddenly, it was digital on the top of the agenda in all businesses. New services! Disruption! Digitizing! Digital transformation! Digital is no longer that somewhat weird budget item, but at the heart of what businesses and public organizations are primarily doing: To deliver better services to customers and users. In order to achieve this, you need to:

  1. Uncover what problems we should solve for users and customers.
  2. Dig into these problems.
  3. Hypothesize about services that can solve these problems.
  4. Give a team mandate to build these services.
  5. Make it grow.

So we create a brand new conference that is about to do just that. Welcome to Y!

It still comes with a Netlife bullshit filter. Keeping the social in mind. With a strong belief that we must start with the customer needs. But even more practical. With more choices. And even more concerned with solving really big issues — for people.

Join us 25th-27th of September!



Marte Gråberg
Y Oslo
Editor for

Innholdsrådgiver og kommunikasjonssjef i Netlife.