Art of Negotiation

Yogesh Singla
Published in
2 min readSep 24, 2022

Here are some notes from a course I took about Art of Negotiation from Linkedin learning platform. This really doesn’t replace the entire 3–4 hour course but it serves as a good starting point for the uninitiated and a revision diary for me.

Vito Corleone from The Godfather (1972)

Do not say Yes to outrageous demands

Damages self-respect

Surrendering terms you don’t want

Encourages other party to push more

How to say No?

Yes + No = Positive No

When you say no to something, it is actually a desire to say yes to something else. Acknowledge that.

Yes — No — Yes
Say “Yes” to the source of your “No”
Affirm and acknowledge
Ground yourself positively
Say yes to your own needs and priorities
Say “No” to the offer/ask and attach a reason
Be respectful
Say “Yes” to alternatives and end your response that opens the conversation for the other person.
End with a question.
Offer options around the ask

Your Manager asks on Friday evening for some urgent work that needs to be done.

“I’m afraid that’s just not possible. I have an important family obligation and I want to honor it.
What can I do this afternoon to make some good headway on the project?”

But what if the boss pushes back and makes a case for the urgency of the project? What then? You still can frame what happens next.

“I understand the work priority, and you understand my family obligation. How can we make sure I fulfill both of my responsibilities”


Deep listening; Truly listen

Right response will bubble up naturally

  • Reward earned for having great attention

If not, buy time

  • “I have to think about that”
  • “Let’s step back and think about what we are talking”
For the publication background

