How to f organize your life?

A journey of enlightenment with logic

Yogesh Singla
4 min readDec 30, 2017


Before you start reading, watch this.

Life is a train journey

Now, let’s get one thing straight off the table. No opinions. Everything will be based on facts and evidence. Pure logic.

What is life?

You right there, reading this. You are fucking alive. Congratulations! Close your eyes and think about all the systems in your body working together to keep you alive. Organs playing different parts in different systems. Cells making those organs originating from just one type of cells, the stem cells that have now turned into such different things. Some, meter long neurons and other tiny donuts rushing through the blood.
Now, that’s you. Your physical being. Turns out your brain has given you another dimension of the mind. Where your consciousness lives. Your ability to think, read and comprehend this. The language that we have evolved which is letting me convey my ideas to you. Think about it. Everything around you is either already there irrespective of us, humans. That is natural. Rest, it is the creation of someone’s mind. Someone just like you. The phone that you are holding or the laptop that you have your eyes staring into. Someone designed it and a long assembly line relying on products made by other assembly lines somewhere. This is the economy we have created. This is us!
Coming back to our question. What is life? Well, the lines between living and non-living are blurry. The better question we should be asking is what is your life? What’s the point of your life? Why live? What for? All of us has had this thought at some point in our lives. Most of us still have it most of the times. To answer this, we will stick by just one rule. Be realistic and rational. Make observations and not opinions.

No waving of hands in the air

Let’s begin…

We will start off with the big bang. That’s when everything began. And to give you an idea about your life on the absolute scale, we have a cosmic calendar, thanks to Carl Sagan.

The Big Bang happened midnight of 1st January. And the current moment(yeah that’s right. Right now!) is mapped to the last moment of 31st December. So, it’s a dynamic scale squeezing with each time. Right now, every second is little less than 440 years.

So from 365 days that is, 525,600 minutes we have been around for 8 minutes only. And that counts every human that lived on this planet. But you don’t bother about that much, right. So, our life that is gonna last, let’s say 80 years. It turns about to be just ‘above’ 0.2 seconds. A blink of an eye. That’s life on the cosmic scale.

Let’s take a different look at the picture. We fixed space and moved time. Let’s fix time now and think about the space. Our planet (only hospitable and usable place for use right now until Elon Musk turns mars thing true! :P | Now that would be super-cool), is round. So, I couldn’t fit it on the paper all at once.

Source : Google Maps

Our headcount is 7.591 billion — 7,591,000,000. And at around net change of +10/1000 per year we have
7591000000 x (10/1000) / (365 x 24 x 60 x 60) = 2.4 births/second

Just imagine, every second 5 people are born and 2 or 3 have died. Every second.

Now, with the radius of earth being, 3671km the total surface area is 4πr².
4 x π x 3671000² /7591000000 = 22309 m² / person.

Now, one-third of what you got is land so, you have 86 x 86 meters of land to you. Obviously, it’s a very rough estimate. But it gives an idea about the fact that you are not alone. There are people just like you on this earth. Some poor to a level where they don’t have a phone to read my awesome article unlike you. Other’s so rich that they fulfil all the luxuries one can possibly think of.

You have 2,522,880,000 seconds. Still 1 million or more are remaining. Don’t waste them as a blink of an eye. Make it count. Each second spent making a small difference. To your own life or others. Towards your betterment of health, your state of mind. Towards reaching out to the poor on the street, giving shelter or food which they couldn’t have. To finding out why is that and helping. That’s it. Just helping. Helping to make it a better place for all of us. All who are just like you. Two legs, two hands, a good brain just like yours which can still understand these black and white symbols on a digital screen. All of it is fucking awesome, if you think about it. Just close your eyes and think. Take a deep breath and let the world, the space and the time sink in YOU.

