A Cult………With Nukes.

Kevin McDaid
Published in
5 min readOct 7, 2019

It’s happening before our very eyes with each and every leak every expose every source that only confirms what most sane sentient beings knew all along……that sooner or later and given enough time the stained, tainted and soiled Presidency would implode.

….Those whose palms are beginning to sweat with anticipation should be more terrified now than ever before….

That implosion has begun and whilst too many on the left and those who have resisted with every sinew in their bodies seem almost giddy at the prospect of a disgraced Trump taking the walk that Nixon walked when his own Presidency imploded from within. Those whose palms are beginning to sweat with anticipation should be more terrified now than ever before.

For those under the illusion that this most corrupt, most criminal of administrations is just going to go quietly into the night?

They need to wake up and fast. As long as Republican politicians throw themselves in front the charges levelled at the criminal enterprise playing an American administration then this will continue. I watched as Ron Johnson of Wisconsin disintegrate under questioning from Chuck Todd on Meet The Press. I also watched Benghazi whore Jim Jordan give that usual smirk when contorting himself in answering questions on This Week With George Stephanopoulos. Jordan being the man who continually dragged the bodies of four dead Americans around the halls of power in his ultimately successful character assassination of Hillary Clinton.

…..No longer are the GOP an American Party they have fast become the enablers of the cult and criminality of Trump…..

Jordan has as have been the GOP, stalwarts when it comes to their astounding defences of Trump. No longer are the GOP an American Party they have fast become the enablers of the cult and criminality of Trump. They have shown their hand and it grasps the fear of standing against the man who will burn America to the ground before he faces a single consequence of his multitude of questionable and law breaking actions.

……The GOP being the collective of cowardly bastards they are won’t be having any kind of ‘’I’m Spartacus’’ or ‘’this is wrong Mr. President’’ moment any time soon……

The ‘’If Obama did it’’ measurement is truly worn out by this stage. In fact if Obama had done what Trump did in his first six months of office Obama would not have lasted past that six months of office. The GOP being the collective of cowardly bastards they are won’t be having any kind of ‘’I’m Spartacus’’ or ‘’this is wrong Mr. President’’ moment any time soon. Nor will that core of support wane or lessen with this latest bombshell that has fallen after all those other bombshells.

…..It’s true that Trump would never take out an opponent, cut their penis and testicles off and ram them down throat of that opponent or ‘traitor’…

If anyone ever wondered what would have happened with a Jim Jones Presidency would look like……simply switch on the news or watch the Republican on C-SPAN. There isn’t any reasoning with those who have allowed themselves to feel beholding to someone they owe little. But the leaders of cults and their enablers know those lost minds are never going to stray from the flock as they know the leader will round upon them and bring all the nasty threatening mannerisms of the mob. It’s true that Trump would never take out an opponent, cut their penis and testicles off and ram them down throat of that opponent or ‘traitor’……although that as a metaphor for what Trump does is quite accurate.

With the coming election and an Impeachment that has already seen evidence of multiple members of the inner cult being implicated in wider criminal acts and a GOP not sure whether to stick with the leader to the bitter end. An ending that as we speak is being written.

That bitter end may not end at impeachment in the House of Representatives as the McConnell do nothing senate does nothing but enable further criminality. But it seems that part of the gamble of going for an impeachment now may allow Democrats to get as much of the hidden information out there about the state of the US in the world. How many other nations have faced similar requests?

The answers will go well beyond the borders of Ukraine. When Benghazi was used as a cudgel to beat Clinton repeatedly one area where she goosed herself was in having a server or her own that didn’t meet the requirements needed to have something like that off site from a US government site.

(I wonder what would happen in 2012–2016 Jim Jordan met 2017 — Present day Jim Jordan)

We all witnessed the rabid noises of the aforementioned Jim Jordan who almost disappeared up his own arse when that can to light…….But given the current President using the highest levels of security to keep hidden not the top secret, national and international security secrets best left secret……..Jim Jordan doesn’t seem to have an issue (I wonder what would happen in 2012–2016 Jim Jordan met 2017 — Present day Jim Jordan?).

Because present day Jim Jordan is the GOP and the GOP too are different animals prior to 2016. Where they accused crimes none were committed. Where they saw conspiracy there was none but that of their own making.

Their support of Trump too is of their own making. They know their brand is poison internally and internationally. The most deadly cults are those whose core base are manipulated to the extent that actual truth, verifiable fact and irrefutable evidence are the soundings of those against the needs and wants of that cult.

Better to burn out than to fade away. That fire set by those who remain at the side of the figure who promised much in the ways of salvation and a vision of an insidious hierarchy propped up on the backs of those poorest of believers who are nothing but pawns in a game they don’t fully grasp with a context beyond their capacity because that type of context is painted as fake and corrupt.

Right up until the point they realise their part as pawns, that point when the reality of fact and that context is finally grasped will they realise their own victim hood. It is the lies of tax cuts and safety and strength when in reality it goes from striking autoworkers in Michigan or the betrayal of those who fought Daesh in Northern Syria being betrayed by a retreating US army on the orders of Trump.

Internal or external the lies of this cult and those who defend the actions of constitutional desecration are too invested to simply give up.

When it comes down to the end of this cult this presidency then it is a resounding hammering at the polls in November 2020.

Anything less and those in the cult will prevail to all our detriments.

The current administration is a cult…….

With Nukes!!!



Kevin McDaid
Editor for

In my view the single greatest threat to humanity is the rise of the hateful rhetoric of the Right Wing. I’m here to call it out. https://twitter.com/TheRedExit