Are Biden, Sanders Just Too Old to Be President?

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2 min readApr 4, 2019

This article from the Washington Post lays out the case rather well. In summary:

How old is too old? Joe Biden is 76 years old, and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is 77. Two years from now, would either man be too old to be president? Not just physically, but also culturally and temperamentally?

Old men (and old women) get worn out more easily and more regularly than most younger people, mentally and physically, no matter how hard they try to stay vigorous and alert.

Older people can get stuck in their ways. They can be too confident in their judgments and heedless of new facts and often dismissive of the importance of younger and fresher perspectives.

And…the chances of experiencing a very significant downturn in ones health, physically or mentally, increase rapidly in the late 60’s and 70's.

Recall that I have been excited about the idea of a Biden-Harris ticket but push back from those I respect has caused me to consider the possibility that I, who am 70, might not be putting my best thinking foward.

Your thoughts?

Courtesy of Unsplash



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A political/social blogger since 2000. GOP from 1969 to 2004 when I walked away from a Party that I could no longer recognize. A Progressive who loves dialogue.