Chicago and America are Hypocrites

Rashaad Hadee
Published in
2 min readApr 8, 2019

Chicago and America are hypocrites. Chicago wants to pursue a lawsuit against Jussie Smollett for $130,000 for the services required by law enforcement to investigate whether a crime had been committed. This case has been a problem from the beginning, however the department shouldn’t be reimbursed for doing their jobs

The reason I feel this way is because countless Black people have been harassed, charge, and violated due to living while Black. Unfortunately, we’re not witnessing the cases or request for reimbursement when white people are calling the police on Black people, which are essentially false reports. Making those things phone calls amount to wasting the resources of law enforcement.

If one is under the belief or impression that it is not because law enforcement must conduct their due diligence to ensure public safety, then the same must be applied to the Jussie Smollett case. What we’re witnessing is the historical double standard of providing passes for white perpetrators, while trying to create Black perpetrators to ease the sensibilities of white people.

Historically, law enforcement has always worked in favor of white people in America dating back to slave patrols. Slave patrols commonly called overseers were created to protect the property of white people that own slaves (Human Beings) and many of this people were well to do. In modern day society, the overseer morphed or evolved into police officers.

Police officers are also used by those with money, status, or privilege to emit harm against Black people through fear and historical atrocities committed against said people. The police have historically committed brutality against Black people in America, which creates an oxymoron as it relates to police brutality. Police are to protect and serve, while brutality is to emit harm upon someone.

When we put these things together under the banner of America and in a city like Chicago, we can see that seeking reimbursement from Jussie Smollett is hypocritical when the same standards are not being applied to white Americans. It’s time that America, Chicago, and any other city in this country to pay what they owe to defendants of slaves in the form of reparations and ending White Supremacy (Racism). It needs to be replaced with Justice, which is not being afforded to Jussie or countless Black people in America.

