Douglas Sabbag
Published in
2 min readApr 20, 2019


Hello Americans,

As you can see from my graphic, I am a Registered Candidate for the 2020 Presidential Election. And, you might note that I have written and published a book, titled: Rebuilding the United States, which describes in greater detail the ‘planks’ of my would be Administration.

It is hopefully quite clear that I qualify as a Progressive Candidate, given my support of Single Payer / Universal Health Care, an education from Kindergarten to a Career, i.e., not stopping with a High School Diploma, replacing the Federal Income Tax with a Federal Sales Tax in order to level the tax liability among all entities, no longer supporting the Zionist / Israeli’s crimes against humanity, and a serious supporting agenda for focusing our business and environmental interests into a cohesive force.

My Candidacy is unique in that I am not a celebrity, not a billionaire, and not currently in any government office and never have been. Which brings me to my campaign problem: a lack of media traction to get the Democratic Nomination.

I believe in the Founding Father’s initial desire for candidates to come from the ‘civilian’ population, i.e., tradespeople, professionals, etc., but not from an established political path. So, here I am, but without that celebrity status, how does a civilian / normal person become a viable candidate?

My wife and I tried contacting numerous schools / Colleges / Universities and related organizations, to schedule giving speeches to reach out to the younger minds. However we received zero responses. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the new Congress person from NY., gained her media traction from a video which went ‘viral’. She paid roughly $10,000 to have that video produced.

So, my question to the readership here at Medium/Yabberz is: given the For the People platform of my Candidacy, which is focused on rebuilding the American Middle Class, along with my ‘clean’ background, i.e., I am not a criminal, past or present, was a volunteer in the US Army National Guard, and have been a computer programmer most of my adult life, how can I bring my candidacy to the People?



Douglas Sabbag
Writer for

From Boston, living in Fort Lauderdale — love to SAIL ! Computer Consultant, Sailboat Chartering Enterprise, published: Rebuilding the United States.