Christine Zook
Published in
1 min readApr 12, 2019


Meet The Grifters

The extent to which the Trump family have been feeding off society is only recently coming to light, and it is mindboggling.

Donald Trump and his siblings, notably former federal judge Maryanne Trump Barry, convinced their father to dole out their inheritance while still above ground. They then used various creative tactics to circumvent the paying of taxes and to enrich themselves. Judge Barry resigned to avoid an ethics investigation, and for her, this may be an end to it. For Donald, it won’t be so easy as he managed to use the presidency as a lucrative cash-cow, starting with his inauguration.

We know that the Trump campaign raised over $106 million, most of which are unaccounted for, now we discover that an inaugural ball the night before the inauguration also raked in a great deal of cash, much of it from Asian businesses which a year later benefitted from a foreign labor bill signed by Trump. You can read that story in its entirety here:

