Kevin McDaid
Published in
4 min readSep 1, 2019


So my good friend Christine Hepker Zook asked for my take on the whole Brexit thing currently dominating all things European and otherwise.

Firstly it has played out exactly as I had previously predicted. The mother of a cock ups that deliberately ignored the consequences of the flawed endeavour that was the 2016 referendum. As you know it was 52–48% in favour of leaving. In essence about 1.5 million more voted to leave than remain.

In England where the whole concept of Brexit was born and nurtured in hatred, lies, xenophobia. A nation on the receiving end of Conservative austerity that saw many in white working class and high unemployment areas see benefits cut and a nation rife for the opportunists of the then UKIP and Anti-EU conservatives.

A nation easily manipulated and even easier to rile up with the above mentioned.

Any and all the blame focused solely on the EU because those who were terrified of new EU directives couldn’t bare to be under the guidelines that would see many of them pay their fair share of taxes or at the very least be made to disclose just where their massive fortunes reside. The UK parliament is run by millionaires and billionaires just like every other ‘democracy’.

Those who campaigned vociferously to leave the EU are those very same millionaires and billionaires who today are seeing their great heist of democracy and mass manipulation are today in control of everything.

They own the government, large parts of the media machine and they are focused on keeping the lie alive that no matter what things will be fine, keep calm and carry on…….right off the white cliffs of Dover.

The men and women who claimed that this would be an easy transition and negotiations would be as smooth as the calmest seas are now having to make statements regarding food, medicines and other essentials and the very real possibility of shortages for all. Not only a shortage of essentials but also the very real risks of higher prices for anything are all potential ‘’short term pains’ that may be felt in the great magical mystery tour the UK is seemingly heading towards.

That pain should it transpire would hit the poorest most vulnerable. That pain will hurt the working poor whose use of food banks has increased exponentially over the near ten years of Conservative driven austerity. Well if this No Deal scenario occurs then it would make those lean years look like a golden age.

I have written since the referendum that the single biggest stumbling block would be the British border in Ireland and as if by magic or more accurately a grasp of the actualities of the facts and those facts being completely ignored because there is no Brexit without a clear and precise plan to continue the Peace gained by the Good Friday Agreement. Implementing a hardened border would be highly dangerous for all concerned, myself included.

The UK government have repeatedly lied about the existence of technical solutions that would remove the need for border checks. Sadly for those peddling such lies the simple facts are that with World Trading Organisation rules and regulations there must be checks at borders and no amount of technical ‘solutions’ will circumvent those rules or regulations.

You see this is what happens when an electorate is openly lied to. Big lies on big red buses have big consequences and these consequences have led a once renowned party in the UK to go the way of a power grab. Not by seizing power but stopping others from questioning that power. The prorogation of parliament in order to allow a Queen’s speech to set out this new Prime Minister’s agenda, which in itself is based upon a fantastical fantasy spending splurge where money has been sparse of late.

Now for some the claim is that the UK does this all the time and it nothing out of the ordinary. This however is not about the ordinary and more about stopping MP’s from voting to continue working right up until any speech outlining the new Parliament and its agenda for the coming session.

Instead the Conservative anointed Boris Johnson has listened to one of the architects of Brexit in the guise of Dominic Cummings, think of him as a less drunk Steve Bannon…but a clear thinking non substance abusing Steve Bannon……terrifying.

But where there is despair there is hope.

For too long those who have stood against Brexit, those who saw the potential dangers of a no deal Brexit but couldn’t agree on a way forward as one voice are now beginning to do what they can to not only keep Parliament open and also stopping any chance of the UK crashing out on October 31st.

Personally speaking I believe the people should surround the Houses Of Parliament and not allow an MP to leave until they sort this mess of their own creating out.

This week will be the mother of all weeks in the mother of all parliaments. The implications may indeed change the face of the UK and those changes will be felt around the world.

This fight for sanity has truly begun.



Kevin McDaid
Editor for

In my view the single greatest threat to humanity is the rise of the hateful rhetoric of the Right Wing. I’m here to call it out.