Stephen Miller: Unsheathed His Stiletto And Is Using It.

Timothy A. Wilson
Published in
3 min readApr 9, 2019

Stephen Miller, the 33-year advisor to Trump, appears to be winning his quest to do whatever he can that another refuge never sets foot on US soil. The resignation of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and the withdrawn of Ronald Vitiello nomination to be the permanent head of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), have Miller’s fingerprints are all over this shakeup in Homeland Security.

Nielsen’s claim she resigned, is her attempt, to muddy the fact she was fired. Trump has not been happy with her performance and took pleasure berating her openly and in front of others in meetings on her lack of results around the immigration issues. The Washington Post reports the following:

“Her entire time in the job was spent batting back suspicion from the president, even as he told people he liked how she performed on television and enjoyed dealing with her personally. He initially was skeptical because of Ms. Nielsen’s previous service in the George W. Bush administration, and then because she was close to John F. Kelly, Mr. Trump’s former chief of staff.”

Since she wasn’t one of Trump’s favorites, was all Miller required to unsheathed his stiletto and shive Nielsen in the back one can surmise from this Politico article:

“As President Donald Trump roils the capital over illegal immigration, his influential aide Stephen Miller is playing a more aggressive behind-the-scenes role in a wider administration shakeup.”

Operating in the shadows, Miller is the invisible hand of Trump’s insane and inane efforts to wreak havoc and destroy any chances of developing comprehensive immigration policy. Instead is in total lockstep with Trump’s maniacal attempt to build a wall along the Southern border. A wall that will not negate the tide of immigration from the Northern Triangle which consists of the countries of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. Miller was content to work in stealth mode not wanting to leave any trace of his efforts in pushing his boss’s heartless immigration agenda. That has all changed.

“But critics of Trump’s policies and personnel moves believe that Miller may be playing an instrumental role. Several members of Congress, unhappily surprised by Vitiello’s withdrawal, and have been asking administration officials and lobbyists Miller also has been pushing for Trump to fire Lee Francis Cissna, director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, who has overseen implementation of some of the administration’s lesser-known immigration policies, including green card reforms and changes to how the federal government processes and admits refugees.

He’s actively trying to put in place people who have very different points of view than the current leadership within the agencies,” said a former DHS official familiar with Miller’s efforts. “His idea is basically [to] clean house.”

Miller sees himself as the keeper of the Trump Immigration policies as if they were the sacred scrolls of Pythia rewritten by Trump and Miller to accomplish the following in the name of making the country great again:

· Close the Southern Border by building a wall

· Cut aid to the Northern Triangle Countries (El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras)

· Steal funds lawfully appropriated funds to build his wall

· Bring in immigration hardliners like Ken Cuccinelli, and Kris Kobach

· Eliminate asylum by making it nearly impossible to obtain

Whitehouse officials are the recipients of Miller’s blistering phone calls pushing them and telling them they are in danger of losing their jobs because they are not tough enough on immigration policy. Translation, they need to up their mean quotient up to eleven and eschew any level of sympathy.

Rafi Schwartz of Splinter reports:

The White House hasn’t publicly announced who will replace Vitiello as Trump’s nominee to lead ICE. However, according to the official who spoke to the Post, it’ll probably be someone pretty awful.

“Stephen wants to put Attila the Hun as director of ICE,” the official said. Because, as bad as Trump’s anti-immigrant politics have been so far, they can always get much, much worse.

Trump and Miller are the results of linage immigration. Tump’s Grandfather — not his father — emigrated from Germany. Miller’s grandparents from the village of Antopol in Belarus. The fact they both are offspring of immigrates apparently means nothing to either Trump or Miller.

As the progeny of immigrates their efforts to all but eliminate immigration can only be explained in one word. That word is Hate.



Timothy A. Wilson

I am a son, husband, father, grandfather. Have retired from my coaching business. My focus is on learning to be a better writer here at Medium.