Christine Zook
Published in
2 min readApr 27, 2019


The Democratic candidates are tossing their hats into the ring one by one, but it seems to be the men who poll better than the women.

Vice President Biden, the current front runner, at least has a well-padded resume, but also a history of having lost every primary when running for president in the past. He also has an iffy record on women’s issues, such as brushing off Anita Hill when she accused Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment and his own habit of invading women’s personal space.

The other men in the contest are more fluff than substance, except for Bernie Sanders who is neither, but somehow perceived as such, due to his repetition, accompanied by finger-wagging, of the evils of millionaires and billionaires, free college and Medicare for all. His voting record is mostly ignored, as is the fact that when he finally came up with a part of his tax returns, they were more heavily redacted than the Mueller report.

So now we are left with Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, Elizabeth Warren, Kirsten Gillibrand and somewhere in the weeds are Tulsi Gabbard and Maryanne Harrison(?) Most have some impressive accomplishments to their name, better than most of the men, yet they are ignored because “no one would vote for them”

Dan Rather’s “News and Guts” addresses this phenomenon more deeply and it’s worth the read.

~Christine Zook

