The Incelification of the young white male.

Kevin McDaid
Published in
5 min readAug 6, 2019

I wrote a long time back in our former home of ideas Yabberz many a post about the wilful slaughter borne out of the cultural evolution of the American firearm. From revolution to the revolving doors of a Wal-Mart in El Paso the cultural clinging to a centuries old agreement to an evolved sentient society. Where belief and factual practicality clash in bodies being shattered, splintered, broken.

The uncomfortable truth that in the end no matter how inhuman the act that takes place nothing will change.

Battlefield America

Remember the fact that nowhere else on earth where a functioning democracy is operating does this happen with such regularity that is seen within the US. Nowhere. Some will often point towards outliers that even at a stretch don’t equate to the bloodletting.

Some like the current lesser president in the White House will blame video games, mental health, online activity…….all red herrings as to where the blame for this whole fucked up sorry mess originates. Name a nation that doesn’t have all those environmental in play right this very second?

Not one. I play video games and unashamedly do so. Never once did it cross my mind as I shots rang around me did the thought of killing Mexican people at a Wal-Mart or the equivalency stores here.

Mental health issues?

Guess what I can tick that box too. Yes I am not afraid nor ashamed to share that with whoever reads this. I suffer no shame nor do I hide it from family and friends. I can have a conversation about something I have lived with my entire life. I accept it and work every day to never ever let it define me.

America only talks about mental health issues after a massacre. America scapegoats mental health, stigmatises mental health and those who practice this scapegoating only expose their lack of understanding of what a mental illness is. Monsters, nut jobs, crazies. No, people with medically diagnosed conditions. People.

The true nut jobs, the real monsters and the actual crazies are those who despite knowing the reality and the truth of their inability to enact common sense in any form. The violent ‘video games’ scenario is nothing more than a replacement for the music of Marilyn Manson.

The readiness of excuses for the next massacre that will take place sooner or later from this latest massacre is always there.

All that time and all those trillions of dollars spent bombing an enemy and its ideologies, all that intelligence, all that military might and all the while the most deadly of enemies reside within. The angry young white male filled with a poisonous idea of patriotism, white first, white always, white forever wrangled online. Angry young men who for a plethora of reasons operate outside of what too many deem social norms.

People seem to fear 4chan and 8chan or more those people behind sites that allow unfettered hatred and an exchange of ideology and anger and a place where deadly ideologies are born to fester.

Here’s the founder of 8Chan Frederick Brennan…

He’s just been interviewed on CNN’s Out Front with Erin Burnett. Go have a look as he gives his interview………from Manilla in the Philippines. He struggled when asked should sites be required to report to the FBI threats such as those regarding El Paso…… because…….you know freedom and all bollocks.

As they wallow in the mire of their own creation they are prey to those online happy to blame the society they reject. Easy to blame women and the inability to have a meaningful conversation or physical relationship with the opposite sex. The Incelification of the young white male.

From hating women to hating anything and everything influenced online. Easier to hate women than address issues within. Little men online feeding the machismo so sorely yearned by the indoctrinated mind. Make no mistake that for some their marching orders don’t come from the reality of life but the reaffirmation of those thoughts of being less and that feeling of being lesser is portrayed as the fault of others.

Women, religion, politics, identity all mashed up and moulded into a common purpose that unites the darker minded online.

Before they wandered alone or in small unaffiliated groups quietly cooking up who to hate, how to hate, when to hate and why to hate. Yet there was one missing element in this home grown terrorism had always been lacking……..

A leader.

A symbiotic relationship that compliments the need for a following and a need to be followed no matter what the deadly truth is. A leader once known for being the leader of the free world to the leader of America’s worst self. Its racist dehumanising self. A place born of the immigrant built off the back of the immigrant and child and slaves alike built the America a world can only love and indeed loathe so much.

Feed a narrative long enough and it is only a matter of time before a true ideologue will take the words of the leader and act upon those words.

‘’A stone cold killer with evil in his eyes’’

That’s how the arresting officer described the perpetrator of the El Paso terror attack. Not mad, not crazy but stone cold. Those who blame ‘mental health’ or that this person was crazy cannot ignore the calculated nature of this attack on innocent men women and children.

He drove from one side of Texas to the other to kill. He did not stop when he drove for nine straight hours and proceeded act upon a hatred cultivated by a narrative of ‘invasion’.

Only now are republicans forced to recognise and openly admit the terror is not outside it’s right there…..100% Made in America. It is white supremacy and it has always been in the US.

So in defiance of the hateful, incendiary rhetoric of the lesser President feel free to enjoy the words of a real president.

A symbol of strength of will



Kevin McDaid
Editor for

In my view the single greatest threat to humanity is the rise of the hateful rhetoric of the Right Wing. I’m here to call it out.