Cat Ladner
Published in
2 min readSep 20, 2019


Today, All Across The World, Millions Of People Are Demanding That Their Governments Pay Attention To Climate Change


Global climate change protests, largely inspired by Greta Thunberg who at the age of 16 sailed across the Atlantic Ocean in a zero-emission yacht to urge Congress to heed scientists’ warnings on climate change, took place today. Millions of protesters, all across the globe, came together to tell governments and corporations that among other ways to deter the damage from climate change they must set deadlines for switching from fossil fuels to renewable energy.

People, especially young people whose futures are most at risk, are telling their leaders that they have failed them. This is a day of coordinated global action, when millions express their fear that all governments will not act soon enough — or even at all — to mitigate the terrible consequences of climate change. They know that the climate change crisis is at an emergency level, and they want everyone to start behaving as they should in an emergency.

Most polls have shown us that two-thirds of Americans know that climate change is a crisis or at the very least a serious problem, and today’s demonstrations are insisting on immediate action to address global warming and its damaging consequences. People in other nations believe the same as most citizens of the USA.

Now we wait. Will governments all around the world listen to their people? Will the United States Congress pay attention?

We know the President of the United States will not.



Cat Ladner

Formerly a Pundit on Yabberz One (as opie,) I am enjoying reading and communicating with members of Medium.