Welcome to the world of homegrown domestic terrorism.

Kevin McDaid
Published in
4 min readJan 22, 2021


First of all, is everyone Ok?

I know the past four years gave the entire planet a roller-coaster ride it didn’t ask for, or as many have described it the mother of all maelstroms that were at times, hourly.

Every day bringing another helping of early hours tweets that ranged from unhinged all the way to utter lunacy all with extra servings of continuous unrelenting lies.

The bluster the chaos and all the madness was watched around a world thinking out loud and without humour that America may have just tripped into that which no one had dared say out loud before.

The fuel, the fire, the destruction

The fall of the United States of America by self inflicted wounds. Another Civil War, the disintegration of democracy. And make no mistake people, you dodged more than one bullet in the past four years. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of you are in therapy.

I’ll admit there were times I actually entertained the thought that America may indeed go the way of a broken nation content with tearing itself apart powerless against the tirade of unadulterated horseshit being fed to those who either wholly believed the con artist in chief and those who simply went along because their own political futures were tied intrinsically linked to the fortunes of the con.

Democracy creaked, strained, held on for dear life itself. All with a global pandemic that has ravaged nations all over the world playing out in the background.

For the US it only added to the poison of a section of its media spewing deadly lies, that’s not hyperbole. The lies of Fox News, OANN, Newsmax led to people dying. All three have the blood of dead Americans on their filthy greedy hands.

Yet all the while they were throwing the most vulnerable aside with their lies they were also seeding the Q revolution. A full on assault on democracy itself. Like rabid animals infected with absolute and total hatred. A rigged election was the final play of what was one of the worst cases of racism due to the fact that the only voted being questioned were heavily Democratic and with massive black and minority populations. No republican Trump states were ever questioned.

Only black votes were being questioned by ghouls like Giuliani and co.

We all watched as the people who were born of the Tea Party’s fear factory back when a black President was sworn in on a cold January day in 2009. That set the wheels in motion. That was the moment those whose most cherished possession was simply their ‘whiteness’ were realising that the old status quo was becoming extinct.

Their realisation that America was is and will be a minority white nation at some stage in the future leaves those whose fundamentalist Americanism will become the fringe.

In 2009 they made the threat…
In 2009 they were clear in their threats.
On January 6th 2021, they returned after being lied to again

Fast forward to January 6th 2021. Call it secession, a riot, an uprising, an act of treason, whatever fits your narrative.

What it became was a moment set motion not by those were there on the day of domestic terrorism roaming the halls of Congress. It began with those who wore three cornered hats, cried of deaths panels and socialism and a President not born in the US.

A white supremacist cry for help answered by media outlets like the aforementioned Fox News who were giddy at the power they wielded over an unhealthy section of American society and more dangerously those who needed a lie to hide the truth of an America under reconstruction and repurposing for an increasingly diverse and multicultural land.

American democracy survived, this time.

But America’s domestic terrorism has shown its ugly face, it has shown us the ugly mindset, it has shown the dangers of electing dangerous men and women.

It is alive, and it must be exposed at every available opportunity.



Kevin McDaid
Editor for

In my view the single greatest threat to humanity is the rise of the hateful rhetoric of the Right Wing. I’m here to call it out. https://twitter.com/TheRedExit