You’re a Woman and You Want to Invest? Do it.

Aubrey Hales
Published in
3 min readSep 18, 2017

Yachtmoney’s Bootcamp is a good place to start.

Okay, so you’re a woman who is kicking ass and taking names out in the world. Whether you are doing it in knock-off Jimmy Choo’s or Chuck Taylors, Awesome. Good for you. Yet, when you take a look at your meager 401(k), your five-year plan, your vision board, and that student loan bill that comes due every month, your cat looks back at you in silent judgment. It then occurs to you that when it comes to making money to fulfill your dreams there has to be a better way.

Wall Street and investing in the stock market has always been a crony-driven boys club. Even the new guys, the day-traders you see with their MacBooks at Starbucks, mumbling with panic on their faces and coffee spilled down their shirts, seem to know the how to work the stock market. Why shouldn’t you? Well that is entirely your choice.

The thing about trading stocks is that it is an equal opportunity venture in making and taking your money. No one cares who you are as long as you’ve got cash to invest. Of course it can be debatable as to whether men make better traders than women and vice versa. But that is for another time.

The market works absolutely the same whether you shaved with a pink or blue razor this morning. It doesn’t pay you less or charge you more because you check “female” on your taxes. So commit. Add to your vision board a picture of stacks and stacks of cash. Put “I will go to Paris” in your five-year plan. Write,“I will drive a shiny BMW convertible in 2023.” Yell from the rooftops, “I will be fucking rich.”

Now you’re psyched, but before you invest actual money it is essential to invest in yourself. Invest your time. Use that expensive university degree to educate yourself about how to grow your money by investing. Paper trade before you trade for real. Don’t jump in blind and then have to tell daddy you lost all your savings. Don’t let any man have justification for telling you that you are emotional or irrational. YOU ARE THE QUEEN BITCH. Own it and make it pay.

If you don’t have enough money to begin investing, this is where you go into hustle-mode. If it sounds boring or difficult, remember that you make thirty-three cents less an hour than the jackass bro in the next cubicle. He not only does less work than you, but then bites off his fingernails and spits them into your hair. Use that righteous indignation to just fucking do it.

So now, where to start? Yeah you’re a woman, but you don’t need to trade like Lady V is calling the shots. You don’t need to call your psychic , or consider how a particular move makes you feel. You don’t have to talk it over with your book group. Here’s what you do:

Sign up for The Free Options Trading Bootcamp at

The Bootcamp lets those new to the market learn how to trade using faux money. Investors get the full benefits of learning Yachtmoney’s trading strategies in a fun, fast, no nonsense environment. You will join a community of new and experienced traders for support, and help each other out along the way.

Get your feet wet with the bootcamp, then decide if you want to jump in and trade for real. You go girl!



Aubrey Hales
Writer for

Freelance writer, editor, and lover of books, dogs, and the unknown.