TNDL: Revelation/Vision Feb 3/2016: “With GOD’S LAWS, we have order and harmony in nature from the heavens (stars) to the earth. Without GOD’S LAWS, we have chaos. According to Psalm 19, the heavens declare the MOST HIGH GOD GLORY. So, why do mortal men try to change Elyon’s LAWS and Times? Who must we obey and follow? El Elyon Yeshua/Michael or Satan, the Devil and his evil rulers of the Babylon world system order?
In order to get back on track of GOD’S LAWS, there must be a change of HEARTS AND MINDS, according to Jeremiah 31. And only YESHUA/MICHAEL, THE ANOINTED ONE, CAN TRANSFORM THE MINDS AND HEARTS of MEN.
Let’s return to the LAWS and Times of our CREATOR, MAKER AND PROTECTOR, SAVIOUR, DELIVERER, REDEEMER and SUSTAINER. So that we, His children, can receive His change in our minds, hearts, souls and spirits through the divine power of GOD in returning to the LAWS and Time of the MOST HIGH GOD, for it is He who created and made the heavens and the earth. He knows how to set order in it and not chaos.”
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